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what you hate most in hillsbrad!

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Location: Sweden

New PostCreated: 2005-06-01, 12:03 PM CET  Subject: Re: what you hate most in hillsbrad!  print  recommend

1) Screen freezing, and when i can move again im dead due to the fact i kamikazee in to 40 hords.

2) The mage insignia trinket not working properly agains shamans frostshock. (remove all slowing effects) And getting run over by the horde train. It will be fixed btw =)

3) The TM guards... and the stupid aliance that makes them spawn.

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Messages: 20

New PostCreated: 2005-06-01, 02:15 PM CET  Subject: Re: what you hate most in hillsbrad!  print  recommend

Westowitch Hmmm :P he's easy. he is starting to fear meh :D, saw him run away from me after i /waved him ^_^ he was trying to backstab me, but i saw him :p.

but Summer or Protput... how much hp u guys have lol..... i can crit for 2.2k on you guys and still have 50% hp ~_~;;;

Member : Pandorian Alliance
Council : Strategist Master
Class : Night Elf - Hunter/Rogue
Rules Of Engagement : Field Of Vision, Control
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Messages: 2

New PostCreated: 2005-06-01, 03:03 PM CET  Subject: Re: what you hate most in hillsbrad!  print  recommend

    Zitat: Acers

     Summer or Protput... how much hp u guys have lol..... i can crit for 2.2k on you guys and still have 50% hp ~_~;;;

    Member : Pandorian Alliance
    Council : Strategist Master
    Class : Night Elf - Hunter/Rogue
    Rules Of Engagement : Field Of Vision, Control

smartassmode: 2.2k = 50%, so they have 4.4k!

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Messages: 6

New PostCreated: 2005-06-01, 11:03 PM CET  Subject: Re: what you hate most in hillsbrad!  print  recommend

Well my computer really dislikes that kind of zerg fights so ye freezelags are hated>_>
but the thing i hate the most got to be Myst and all other waterbeggers:(

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Messages: 62

New PostCreated: 2005-06-01, 11:09 PM CET  Subject: Re: what you hate most in hillsbrad!  print  recommend

bah, i give up on hillbrad -- for tonight. horde:alliance-ratio is really a bit uneven at the moment...



*edit: 1h later and i prove myself wrong

.:: Kim 60 NE-Priest ::.

[edited: 2005-06-02, 01:26 AM CET by Kim]
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Messages: 6

New PostCreated: 2005-06-02, 04:04 AM CET  Subject: Re: what you hate most in hillsbrad!  print  recommend

1/ hammer of justice (GRRRR from so far away)

2/ intercept stun

3/ F*Cking guards from SS whenever u heal someone :)

Non Phixion
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Messages: 8

New PostCreated: 2005-06-02, 12:24 PM CET  Subject: Re: what you hate most in hillsbrad!  print  recommend

    Zitat: Ghoulinacan

    but the thing i hate the most got to be Myst and all other waterbeggers:(

Re-buffing you when you die every 5 mins is thirsty work :p

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Messages: 6

New PostCreated: 2005-06-03, 02:34 AM CET  Subject: Re: what you hate most in hillsbrad!  print  recommend

    Zitat: Myst

      Zitat: Ghoulinacan

      but the thing i hate the most got to be Myst and all other waterbeggers:(

    Re-buffing you when you die every 5 mins is thirsty work :p

Maybe you should stop pretending to be a mage and start healing then! :(

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Messages: 2

New PostCreated: 2005-06-03, 07:20 AM CET  Subject: Re: what you hate most in hillsbrad!  print  recommend

1. Alliance pulling TM guards
2. all lvl 20+ yelling for raid
3. Alliance running away yelling STAND GROUND! ( must be so that the horde attacks them that stays so that the ones yelling gets away)
4. Yes Im a priest but Im not at Hb to heal every singel alliance there is. I heal my group (if they are lucky ;)  ) so if you want heals get a healer in your group.
5. all nagging about buff me. I buff those that I want to buff and if I have enough mana to buff.. so if you get a buff then be happy but dont nagg about them.

6. and last.. All the hordes that attacks me dont you know that its not nice to hit a priest:)

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Messages: 1

New PostCreated: 2005-06-04, 08:47 PM CET  Subject: Re: what you hate most in hillsbrad!  print  recommend

1. The LAG! especially when you think everything is empty and the next moment you are standing in a group of 40-60
2. All those horde who think killing a cute priestess is fun :D
3. lv20-30 yelling and ranting they should be in a raid, I think raids should be forbidden in SS/TM
4. Running to your corpse, and then pressing the accept key for minutes only to see that you are resurrected in front of a zerg group
5. Buff naggers, I have had rogues following me for 5m to nag for a sta buff, and they get killed every 5m

otherwise its a blast, especially to see the same guys from horde everyday

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