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Greetings from Non Phixion

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Dready Krugah

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New PostCreated: 2005-05-31, 05:51 PM CET  Subject: Greetings from Non Phixion  print  print thread  recommend

Hey, nice post Kim

The ppl at Non-Phixion are looking forward to future hillsbrad duels, especially the ones with "/point /taunt /ready -rules.


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Messages: 7

New PostCreated: 2005-06-01, 05:26 AM CET  Subject: Re: Greetings from Non Phixion  print  recommend

Oh yea my beloved friends lol /hug 

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New PostCreated: 2005-06-01, 02:16 PM CET  Subject: Re: Greetings from Non Phixion  print  recommend

haha, cool initative ! respect kim  

Dont think kim has actually attended one of our duelin fests in TM late at night. U should tho.

Ive been waiting for something like this really, finally able to talk to our alliance buddies like angdelis here. We should duel more often, close battles most of the time. I think we even died simultanious once didnt we? xD

/target angdelis /hug !

ps. could i make some alliance contact requests myself? Spoek and Elthanor for example, they were my first ally buddies.

ps2. DIE lenny !!

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Messages: 62

New PostCreated: 2005-06-01, 02:21 PM CET  Subject: Re: Greetings from Non Phixion  print  recommend

hey uilsie, arent you the ugly cow that dies first in kinda every battle? at least thats what you are known for at my friends on ventrilo!

about contacting alliance/horde: there are 2 annoucements in this pvp-section where you can post names you want to have contact with on thi sofrum.
i will take care of contacting alliance-players, someone else should try to take care of horde-player-requests!

.:: Kim 60 NE-Priest ::.
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Messages: 20

New PostCreated: 2005-06-01, 02:31 PM CET  Subject: Re: Greetings from Non Phixion  print  recommend

    Zitat: Uilsie

    haha, cool initative ! respect kim  

    Dont think kim has actually attended one of our duelin fests in TM late at night. U should tho.

    Ive been waiting for something like this really, finally able to talk to our alliance buddies like angdelis here. We should duel more often, close battles most of the time. I think we even died simultanious once didnt we? xD

    /target angdelis /hug !

    ps. could i make some alliance contact requests myself? Spoek and Elthanor for example, they were my first ally buddies.

    ps2. DIE lenny !!

Uilsie from Arena Guardians Right? :P... You're always my first target to mark when i see you nice huh =D... btw its Acers, the NE Hunter from Pandorian Alliance :P You should remember me + herbman + isamaru heh ;).. we all like you :D

Member : Pandorian Alliance
Council : Strategist Master
Class : Night Elf - Hunter/Rogue
Rules Of Engagement : Field Of Vision, Control
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Messages: 5

New PostCreated: 2005-06-01, 04:14 PM CET  Subject: Re: Greetings from Non Phixion  print  recommend

I like kamikaze nukin one, hardly ever works tho and it sure happens a lot that i dont notice everybody runnin again, and get ganked by 40 or more alliance yeah  i call it heroism, but u could also call it stupidity ;)

and i sure know u pandorian alliance dudez yeah grmbl  ;)

anyways, stay in TM until like 4 am, and join the dance/duel fest, its much fun, finally some fair 1v1s  

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Messages: 9

New PostCreated: 2005-06-01, 04:33 PM CET  Subject: Re: Greetings from Non Phixion  print  recommend

haha see you on the battlefield Uilsie.

You are going down. :)

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Messages: 7

New PostCreated: 2005-06-01, 07:47 PM CET  Subject: Re: Greetings from Non Phixion  print  recommend

yeah Uilsie, we died simultainosly once, i think u killed me and died from my deep wounds/rend or somehting :)

I agree, its really nice to see some hordes that are duel-able, espacially since i need to practice vs shamans and stuff..

But dont expect me to not attack u during the daily hillsbrad zerg :)

I need my contributionpoints you know...

Lol, me mithrendir and Despotes had a really hard time convinsing the rest not to kill u over and over again last night :(

Conclusion: Lets zerg as usual during daytime, maybe /salute^^

and at  early morning when the kids have gone to bed, let the 1v1 duels begin!

[edited: 2005-06-01, 08:09 PM CET by Angdelis]
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Messages: 7

New PostCreated: 2005-06-01, 08:26 PM CET  Subject: Re: Greetings from Non Phixion  print  recommend

Hmm... i didnt mean to quote that entire message, and when i tried to edit - delete it, it didnt work... im blond..

moderator: feel free to delete it and /spit on me ingame.

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Messages: 1

New PostCreated: 2005-06-02, 12:38 AM CET  Subject: Re: Greetings from Non Phixion  print  recommend

/salute Uilsie and the rest of non phixion

Had a great time dueling you guys even though I lost more then won versus you Uilsie  That damn stunbreaking trinket kinda screwed up my bash once haha.

Anyways nice to see you guys post on this forum so we can set up some more duels always been a fan of your guild after you allowed me to duel bloodr when we both were around lvl 40 in stv. Coming from daoc I like the small tightknit pvp guilds like you seem to be.

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