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No new posts Re: Madde.

oh my god, take a look around theres no single targets in WP, :) theres almost never soloers out there, and who says u gotta SOLO in wow? its MMORPG the first m stands for Massive....and u complain that we are 2-3? lol


Don't know what post you are refearing to. But if it was mine I'll respond once more.

First, don't get upset as we are meraly discussing a subject on a forum. I don't want a flamewar. Flamewars are useless and childish imo. And I don't participate in such. I want to contact people "on the otherside" cause it could be fun to hear their voice and oppinions about matters.
But, hmm, if that voice come in the shape of, "Noooob I owned yer assssssss n000b", it just shows that that particular voice should be filtered out and put on a 10 year timer before reading any more post from such poster ;)

I played dwarven warrior in Daoc as my main. I like soloplay so I didn't grp up much. I want to be able to take care of my own. Now warrior is no soloclass, but that was what I wanted to play in daoc. And I had fun, even though a solo warrior was constantly owned by Hib and Alb grps. Not much to do against a grp :)

As it is a mmorpg where you can decide for yourself how to play, if you group up or go solo, I see nothing wrong with either choice. But be prepared for a bad reputation if you jump solo players in a 4 ppl stealth grp. Not to talk about the disrespect you will earn. Some cares about it, some don't. But I promise you, that a bad reputation will always backfire at you at some point. Or as Sauron would have put it, "You cannot hide" ;)

And the "massive" in mmorpg, I do not really understand what it has to do with the subject in this thread, because if we wasn't aware that this is a Massive Multiplayer Online Roll Playing Game, this whole thread would be pretty useless ;)

I rather like to be friendly and show that I don't have to attack every single target around. I think that shows off personal qualities better than ganking everything in sight. Thats just my personal oppinion.
Even though I must admit that I have killed players lower than me, but never without a purpose. Like a lvl 50 rogue I kind of regreat I killed. But she was about to snatch the ghostmushroms I had been stalking.

I admire solo players and they have earned my respect.
Stealthzergs against solo players do not earn my respect and I see them as the kind of players who do not dare to compete in solo battles.

I know soloplay PvP is hard to find in this game atm. But I promise you Madde, that there are lots of solo opportunities at Tarren Mill. As the time you jumped me completly solo a couple of days ago. 4 Rogues against 1 freshly ressed mage. Well I didn't really mind that jump as I had a great time. I mostly laugh when getting gangbanged like that :) Guess I laugh because I understand that such behavior can only be the result of bad solo statistic from the bangers side ;)
Maybe a little CP horny aye :P

I hope you don't take this post personally, as that is not my intention. This long retarded text is just my oppinion about stealthzerging. Wheter people use this tactic or not, I really don't care about. But to become a better and respected opponent, this is not the tactic to use.

Hehe why I write this much, I do not know. Guess I got nothing better to do atm.

Kemajl out.

Kėmajl 2005-06-03, 08:02 PM CET
No new posts Re: Madde.

this is the new age its party or die..


Stealthzerging have been around for some time. I myself saw it firstly in daoc a couple of years ago. Nothing newage about it. More Oldschool newbie habit imo ;)
Kėmajl 2005-06-03, 04:34 PM CET
No new posts Re: Swedish
Please have in mind that there are many young players on Shattered hand.
The majority of the ones writing swedish in general chat are surely not many days above the age of 15.

I am truely ashamed of my countrymen and women who cannot respect that not everyone speak swedish. I apologize on their behalf of their bad behaviour and manner.
Kėmajl 2005-06-02, 05:13 PM CET
No new posts Re: Visit to IronForge
[quote:Kim] hmm, cant confirm that. the day the honourpatch came out we made a stormy attempt on undercity. all died deep down, noone has been there before, guards and horde everywhere, impossible to rezz. ;/ in the end a gnome-mage managed to make a portal to IF in the green water when horde didnt pay attention. i rezzed and jumped through the portal - ugh.
.:: Kim 60 NE-Priest ::. [/quote]

Undercity must be really hard to raid. Nice to see you try it on. Thats the things making the game much more intresting.
Kėmajl 2005-06-01, 01:26 PM CET
No new posts Re: Visit to IronForge
Was some time ago. Maybe march. And it was prime time. We tried to raid IF. We knew it was suicide, but wanted to give ourself and the alliance a good time.

Died plenty of time just to get into IF. But managed to get in and rode all around the city on horseback;) Had quite a bunch after me as I rode around in IF. One of the ss is infront of the AH btw ;)

Would be fun to see more ss from other players visits.

Kėmajl 2005-06-01, 01:22 PM CET
No new posts Re: REQUEST: contact alliance!
Do you know a guy called Drizzta or Drizzti?
Been trying to find him but don't know if hes still playing. Hes been beating up a couple of girls irl (that is really brave...) so hes been locked up the last month. Kicking the poor girls down to the ground and kicks them while they lie on the ground.

Hes going to jail for another month soonish I think. So would be really fun if I found him in the game. Make his ingame time a hell ;)

So if anyone know of him, please give me what class and race he plays. Level could be good aswell.
Kėmajl 2005-06-01, 01:15 PM CET
No new posts Re: MM "Raids"

That...... AND beat Ragnaros.....TWICE....


Right...they ARE noobs......



They are good at PvE then. In PvP they are only capable of zerging imo. Kind of ridicolous to hit a guard and then run for their life to their camping and waiting for Horde to attack.

As Gosu and some others attacked IF long before HS, we just charged right in. We lagged and we all died. We ressed and charged yet another time straight in, lagged and died. That was really fun. But I guess, even though this is a computer game with little to nothing to lose, it takes guts to make such suicide runs.

I have not ever seen any such "guts" in mm.
Afraid they are. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to... The dark side!!! Welcome to the Horde mm.

Kėmajl 2005-06-01, 12:59 PM CET
No new posts Re: LF former members of Imperial Dwarven Army
Hehe yeah. That was the good ol times.
Kėmajl 2005-06-01, 12:30 PM CET
No new posts Re: Madde.
[quote:ZiMoN] Madde is one of the best rogues @ alliance side :D and a darn good pvp'er tbh, already grouped with him for some stealthganking and it was fun :D [/quote]

Hehe talking about the trolls. Yesterday 4 Rogues jumped me. Well not 100% sure it was 4. Madde, Leon and I think 2 others jumped me. 4 rogues vs 1 mage. They did not manage to kill me ;)

Kėmajl 2005-06-01, 12:28 PM CET
No new posts LF former members of Imperial Dwarven Army
Hmm no contact with them anymore.
Played Daoc couple of years ago on Exculiber/midgård in guild Imperial Dwarven Army (Feeer the nekkid dorf runs).

Anyone see this, it would be fun to get togheter ingame again.

Kemajl aka Ballock out
Kėmajl 2005-05-31, 04:29 PM CET
No new posts Visit to IronForge

Kėmajl 2005-05-31, 04:23 PM CET
No new posts Re: Corpsecamper Vido


Nah Vido isnt a corpse camper.

Ganker sure who isnt one :D, i know i am one.

Why are you attacking lower lvl alliance with a high lvl alliance standing next do them, sounds to me you you got what you deservd


I must say that I rather believe the criticism from the first poster than from the accused persons guildmate ;) Being in same guild kind of undermine your reliability. And the fact that you just use the argument "Vido isn't a corpse camper". You need to feed us with a bit more facts than that imo. And the first poster really never mention anything about attacking lower level alliance. He says equal or higher level alliance.

Just to sort some things out ;)

Kemajl out

Kėmajl 2005-05-31, 04:13 PM CET
No new posts Re: Madde.

Madde is damn right awful yeah. xD

Then again i only seen one good alliance rogue.


I also have only met 1 honorable alliance rogue. Can't remember name but she was a NE.

First she killed me as I was running around in EP.
Then as I ressurect she zapped me instantly. I thought, c'mon whats the sport. But she only /waved. So I waved back and she came out of stealth. We exchanged emotes for a while. As she went out of stealth, I saw that as a friendly gesture and did not attack her.
Suddenly a hunter 1 shot me with an aimed shot. Thought it was a bit lame as I still was low on health since ressurection and as I was emoting with a NE. The NE made some angry emotes against the hunter. She didn't like that he killed her new found friend I guess.

Well I ressurected yet another time, and the hunter tried to kill me again as soon as he saw me.
But this time he couldn't 1 shot kill me as I was prepared. All ended up me killing alliance hunter pretty easy with the NE rogue standing and cheering for me ;)

Was quite fun and I wish I could remember her name. Really like sportmanship like that. That she let me kill the corpse camper hunter. That is some really good manner many on Shattered Hand should adopt.
And a rogue going solo! Been a while since a saw a completly solo* rogue.

*With solo Rogue I do not refear to rogues following a zerg or cleaning out ppl abit behind a zerg. Solo Rogues are players who go totally alone to a zone there they can count on nothing more than their own skill to survive an encounter with the enemy.

P.S: The rogue mentioned in the first part certainly is not Madde. D.S

Kemajl out.
Kėmajl 2005-05-31, 03:51 PM CET
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