Das Grouse ist ein Moorhuhn.
Da wir wissen, dass das Pakauwah die Tiergestalt annehmen kann, die dem Menschen dient, ist das vermutlich nur für eine Weile so. :-)
Im Deutschen finde ich keine angemessene Beschreibung über das Moorhuhn als Krafttier, im Englischen wird es folgendermaßen beschrieben:
Grouse stands for power, which can be negative in a certain level.
Grouse people are always hungry for success and always seeking for a power growth.
They will never be satisfied or contented with the amount of power they are getting, they will continue to drain the power source if it means granting the more power.
Grouse is also a symbol of energy, a never ending flow of life that made them lively and invigorating to watch.
Grouse can also transmit its energy from others.
People who have this animal as their totem symbol are always lively.
They are the main attraction of the group; grouse people always have an extra bag of sunshine within them.
A grouse is also a reminder that you are seeing the world in a different way, life is too short, a day live without laughter is a day wasted.
Do not fill your life with misery and negative emotions if your conditions aren’t met.
Do not worry your time to succeed will come.
ICH BIN der ICH BIN, Meister der Neuen Energie, Facilitator, Impulsegeber, Mentor, Tier-Professional - http://aah-ha.de "All is well in all of creation!"