Crimson Circle Teleclass – November 11, 2010Are there people who insist on taking your time even after you've had enough? Are there interactions where you go in with clarity and come out feeling confused?
Do you have intense dreams that leave you exhausted when you wake up?
You are most likely experiencing the effects of energy stealing or feeding.
It is an age-old practice that we have all engaged in, one way or another, with results being anything from fatigue and frustration to emotional abuse, psychic manipulation and physical injury.
But now, in this time of consciousness revolution and spiritual awakening, more and more people are beginning to realize what's going on.
Would you like to end this cycle in your own life?
If you would like to learn more about energy feeding and how to stop it in your own life, join Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe as they explore this very timely topic.
They will present a 1 hour teleclass on November 11, 2010 at 6:00 PM (mountain time) as they explore and explain the process of energy vampirism and offer tips on how to extricate yourself from the cycle.
Registration is required (no charge) to attend this teleclass. Please click here to register for
Energy Vampires.
If you know someone who may be interested in this information, please feel free to forward this email.
This special teleclass on Energy Vampires will be given in cooperation with Global Teleclass, and health coach training organization. Please take a moment to review the information below.
Register for Energy Vampires; Who's Feeding on You?
With blessings,
The Crimson Circle
Ich habe gerade Birgit Junker im Skype angeschrieben und sie gebeten, uns behiflich zu sein, um die "richtige" Uhrzeit für uns in Deutschland mit bereits Winterzeit zu finden, um dabei sein zu können.
Vielleicht weiß ja auch jemand von Euch den Termin und mag ihn uns mitteilen? Danke schön!