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Es ist das simple (bewusste) Atmen,

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Johanna-Merete Creutzberg

Beiträge: 1693
Ort: Tangstedt-Wilstedt bei Hamburg


New PostErstellt: 13.11.14, 23:50  Betreff:  Es ist das simple (bewusste) Atmen,  drucken  weiterempfehlen

... das das Göttliche in Dir entfacht

Gerade bei Facebook in der CC Gruppe entdeckt, aus  Tobias Returns to Israel


    "...It is the simple breath that ignites the divine within.

    The simple breath that transmutes old energy into the new.
    The simple breath that helps to ground all of the energies in the Now.

    As we say to you - keep it simple, Shaumbra.

    The simple breath is a miracle unto itself.

    The breath is how you helped to create the stars, this earth.

    The breath of Spirit, through you, helped to create living forms here on earth.
    It helped to bring life to matter.

    The simple breath takes you to the whole new level of a divine human walking on earth.

    If you ever lose your balance, if you’re ever overwhelmed by fear, if you ever feel lost... take that simple breath.

    We keep repeating this to you, over and over, so that you understand the importance of the breath...

    The breath that tells your body you choose life...
    That tells the divine that is within you it is safe to come out now..."

    Tobias Returns to Israel (March 2004) - Text erhältlich in English, Italian, Norwegian, Romanian and Spanish

ICH BIN der ICH BIN, Meister der Neuen Energie, Facilitator, Impulsegeber, Mentor, Tier-Professional - "All is well in all of creation!"


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