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New PostErstellt: 23.01.07, 23:48     Betreff: Re: Zitate??

Nescafé Dolce Gusto Latte Macchiato,...
ich zitire mal aus Banana Fish 17! (engl.) *den band knuddl und zugleich in sämtliche ecken pfeffern könnte* shnief...

Gespräch zwischen Ash unf Eiji *kyyaaa!*
Ash ist überzeugt, das überall wo er auftaucht die Leute die er schätzt in tödliche Gefahr geraten (recht hat er ja *hüstl*) Eiji will ihn aufbauen.^^

Eiji: In Japan you never have to pick up a gun again. You can start over.. and live the way you want!
Ash: hands are dirty... with other people's blood. I don't even know how many people I've killed, Eiji. I could count.
Eiji: But you had to. Or you would be killed yourself.
Ash: ...still.
My old man always used to say I was a toublemaker. Guess he was right.
I'm bad news, Eiji. Doesn't matter where I go. .. and you'll get caugth up in it. Like you are right now.

Eiji: ..Ash. I told you this many times. How many times you must hear until you belive me?
You think I will wish you are not with me? Because you are bad news?
I'm tellinh you, that wil never happen- and you should know that better than anybody!
I don't want to lose you! For you I would do anything, Ash *kreeiiiiiischhh* ^^°
Ash: *blickt recht überrasscht auf eiji's ausbruch* *schmacht*^^°
*verräter lauern mit gezogener waffe vor der tür der beiden*
Ash: *smiled* Than maybe you can start out by teaching me japanese.
Eiji: *smiled happy*

sry für den langen text, aber ich liiiiieebe die stelle.. und noch viele mehr!

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