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New PostErstellt: 20.10.08, 14:59     Betreff: Totally Captivated

Technoline BC 700 Akku-Ladegerät sch...
The mafia threatens Ewon into working for a loan shark, where he's forced to run dangerous errands for no pay. The culprit who doomed Ewon to this life is none other than Jiho, Ewon's jealous ex who still burns at Ewon's infidelity. Their gang leader Mookyul, with movie-star good looks and the bizarre, drunken habit of biting people on the neck, takes a keen interest in his attractive new errand boy. Will Ewon be able to survive the violent underworld (not to mention the constant sexual harassment he must endure) as an underling of Mookyul?

Ich liebe diesen Manga bzw. Manwha. Hab schon lange nicht mehr so mitgefiebert und bin schon echt gespannt wies weitergeht. Mookyul ist so toll

Wer weiß, wo in einem der Engel aufhört und der Teufel beginnt?

Shonen-i 4Ever!!!!!!!

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