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Staatsterror durch staatliche Eingriffe in das Familienleben
Verletzung von Menschenrechten, Kinderrechten, Bürgerrechten durch Entscheiden und Handeln staatlicher Behörden im familienrechtlichen Bereich, in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, in der Familienhilfe unter anderem mit den Spezialgebieten Jugendamtsversagen und Jugendamtsterror
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"Spurensuche nach Jugendamtsterror und Familienrechtsverbrechen"
ist ein in assoziiertes Projekt zur
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"Systemkritik: Deutsche Justizverbrechen"

Six gold and two silver medals: Russian wrestlers started triumphantly at the European Championships

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New PostErstellt: 28.05.21, 18:16  Betreff: Six gold and two silver medals: Russian wrestlers started triumphantly at the European Championships  drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

At the European Wrestling Championships, the men's freestyle wrestling competition ended. The Russian national team, being half the main composition, and half renewed, won a team victory and won six gold medals out of ten possible, as well as two silver medals. Attention at the tournament in Warsaw was primarily focused on the six weight categories, in which the Olympic awards will be played in August. In most of them, Russia was represented by those wrestlers who could hardly qualify for a trip to Tokyo, but their success at the continental championship gave them hope that they could oust the recognized pin up casino leaders. The exception was Artur Naifonov. In his category up to 86 kg, he is the first number of the national team and came to Poland to once again confirm this, and at the same time to become the European champion for the third time. The 23-year-old wrestler did it perfectly - Naifonov won three dry fights dry, including the final with Georgian Sandro Aminashvili.

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