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"Systemkritik: Deutsche Justizverbrechen"

BMW X6 E71 Led Door Sills With Logo M Perfomance

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New PostErstellt: 15.03.23, 09:42  Betreff: BMW X6 E71 Led Door Sills With Logo M Perfomance  drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

Led Door Sills for BMW are not just a stylish accessory for your car, but also a functional device that protects your BMW's sills from scratches and damages that may occur when entering or exiting your vehicle.

But that's not all. With the bright and eye-catching LED lights built into these door sills, you can make a statement every time you open your door. The sleek design and high-quality materials ensure that these sills not only enhance the look of your BMW, but also provide a long-lasting and durable solution for protecting your car.

Installation is a breeze, and the energy-efficient LED lights are designed to last for years. Plus, with multiple color options to choose from, you can customize your Led Door Sills to match your personal style and the overall look of your car.

Upgrade your BMW with Led Door Sills and experience the ultimate combination of style and functionality. Order now and see the difference for yourself!


Warranty - 12 months
Made in EU
High Quality Stainless Steel (main color: polished stainless steel)
Double-Side Adhesive Tape
Acrylic Base
To correctly connect the led sills, you must connect the cables to any power source in the door, which is activated when the door is opened. The power of sills can be a door limit switch, foot lights, a door lamp or any other power source that is activated when a specific door is opened.

We offer one of 7 led light colors. Available colors: white, red, blue, yellow and green. When ordering, you need to specify the color (there is a color choice at the top right).

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