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Beiträge: 310

New PostCreated: 2005-02-03, 02:07 PM CET     Subject: Re: Artinum's Ancient Architecture! Reply with Quotation  

Some comments on the first two groups.

(By the way, do you really want to deal with all of your, what, 18 groups in this single thread?)



d) Back and Forth and...
Everything's been said about that one.

e) The Last Minute Reprieve
I had to think real hard for a minute before realizing how to deal with that mine. My, stupid, stupid.

f) Around the World in 90 Seconds
The idea is nice, though; one would have to hide the, er, high-speed track to make it interesting. Mmmh.
The tower has a very pleasing shape, I must add.

g) Which Do We Blow Up?
Kopfschmerzen, ha! Nearly fooled me for a minute... more a placebo headache-pill, isn't it?
Nice. I think my towers are usually too obvious.

h) Fort Knox
Very easy.

(oh, I forgot one tower. Blowing up a converter, wasn't it?)


a) Easy
4 question marks don't seem quite enough.

b) Pyramids
Who of us hasn't built his share of pyramids?

c) The not quite Rendezvous (or something)

d) Klondikes, Please!
Nice. The lower level is really clever.

e) Can't Get a Good Shot
Yes, easy. Though I've come to like using the Pusher/Block combination in order to block starting positions or lifts after they've been used.

f) Underground
Well done for a maze. Still a rather long walk.

g) Zap!!!!!!!
... and a long walk to boot.

h) Well 'ard
Easy, yes, but I like towers with a bit of machinery running. You know, where something is going on and you better not sit around on your thumbs once you start it.

i) The Mineshaft
Funny. But the second Forcer gives the game away. I liked the feeling of going way down and delving for those Klondikes...

Das Lemsche Gesetz:
Niemand liest etwas; wenn er etwas liest, versteht er es nicht; wenn er es versteht, vergißt er es sofort.

[edited: 2005-02-03, 02:07 PM CET by Dr.]
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