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Favourite Towers (Fawlty/Exiter)

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Messages: 310
Location: Saarbrücken

New PostCreated: 2005-02-09, 02:53 PM CET  Subject: Favourite Towers (Fawlty/Exiter)  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Die 50 besten Spiele für...
Right. Back when Fawlty first posted his towers he wanted them rated.
The least I can do is pick my favourites, the ones I enjoyed most.

b) Don't get stopped in Beverly Hills
h) Think or Die (Just hide those bloody Zappers so Grabber can't see them!)

g) Let em run

c) 16 Seconds
e) Shields down
h) Crossfire

c) Push it good
e) Die Hard
g) Follow me
h) Time Square
i) Inner Sanctum (the quality of the puzzle cancels any annoyance!)

a) Capture the Flag
c) Nockenwelle
f) Time Tunnel

Plus, of course, the best of all, i.e. Fawlty's Terror Towers: Busy Boys, Killswitch, and Tangled!

I really liked the way the Hellcastle looked. Do something with that look!
Hmm... I probably forgot some really great towers. Well, at least those are the ones I remember having enjoyed most.

Das Lemsche Gesetz:
Niemand liest etwas; wenn er etwas liest, versteht er es nicht; wenn er es versteht, vergißt er es sofort.

[edited: 2005-02-09, 02:53 PM CET by Dr.]
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