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New PostCreated: 2005-04-11, 07:41 PM CET     Subject: Re: Other old games we remember. Reply with Quotation  

Ah, finally someone has the guts to show his real face!
Okay, Mayo and warcus have pictures on their web sites, too.
Maybe I should look for a picture of myself some time.

Anyway, you're looking quite old for a seven year old boy! Or did I miscount the candles?!?

Concerning favourite games, well, there are SO many....
I played UFO and found it quite funny at first, but I lost interest some time. I'm usually not a fan of "rundenbasierte" games, you know, where you can plan how to spend some kind of movement or action points for one turn and then start the action. I probably wouldn't even play ToB if you could ONLY use programmed spiders instead of also controlling them directly.
Doom was okay, though even back then I was unhappy with the poor graphics and the straightforward levels. I really enjoyed the intensity of Half-Life and the complexity of Deux Ex in the ego-shooter genre. I was also fascinated by the idea of Thief, though I somehow didn't get to play it very far.
I don't know Star Control II (or even I), but the original version of Elite on the C64 is definitely on of the true cult games. There was also a game similar to your description of SCII on the amiga that I liked very much, but I forgot it's name...

What else did I enjoy? On the Amiga, some of my favourites were Starglider II (I never really understood what I had to do, but simply flying around and collecting a couple of things and listening to the wonderful sound effects was a great experience), Dynablaster (a nice version of Bomberman - Exiter and me fought endless mercyless battles in this game.), Indy 500 (which was no fun at all when I once tried to play it with an emulator), Silent Service, Interceptor, Rick Dangerous and many many more. If I had my disk collection here I'd quicky skip through all the games to find out what else I played...

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