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Beiträge: 184

New PostCreated: 2005-04-12, 08:19 PM CET     Subject: Re: Most strange and wondrous Reply with Quotation  

    Zitat: Fawlty
    Oh, lots of nice words for Arti to check in the dictionary... *g*
I know some of them already. I have a phrasebook now, which contains such wonderful phrases for all occasions as:

"Ich kreig ihn nicht hoch - tut mir Leid!" (I'd love to hear what that literally means...)
"Mit Humor geht alls besser." (Not something one wants to hear in the bedroom...)

or (under a different section!!)
"Ich sehe gerne zu, wűrde aber lieber nicht selbst mitmachen."

My, I've a strange mind tonight.

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