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Other old games we remember.

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Messages: 184
Location: United Kingdom

New PostCreated: 2005-04-23, 02:22 AM CET  Subject: Re: Other old games we remember.  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Canon EOS 500D SLR-Digit...
What was that? Something about sweeping virgins out of the Town Hall?

Artinum the perplexed.

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Messages: 280
Location: Gütersloh

New PostCreated: 2005-04-23, 09:57 PM CET  Subject: Re: Other old games we remember.  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

    Zitat: Mayo
    I wonder if Fawlty and Z know the thing about getting 30 years old and the "Rathausplatz fegen und sich dann von Jungfrau freiküssen" tradition.
*lol* Did you really have to do that? Luckily very few of my friends and family have a sense of tradition, so all I had to do was to throw a party.
Post some photos! *g*

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Messages: 310
Location: Saarbrücken

New PostCreated: 2005-05-01, 03:01 AM CET  Subject: Re: Other old games we remember.  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Hey, and thanks for the link to Scorched 3D.
That one blew me away (in a big huge explosion).

(edited: Spelling subprocessor not working quite as it should at this time of the night)

Das Lemsche Gesetz:
Niemand liest etwas; wenn er etwas liest, versteht er es nicht; wenn er es versteht, vergißt er es sofort.

[edited: 2005-05-01, 03:03 AM CET by Dr.]
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Messages: 2
Location: Somewhere in France

New PostCreated: 2005-05-09, 12:40 PM CET  Subject: Re: Other old games we remember.  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  


(This is my first post on the forum, so here are a few words about my own self: I loved ToB when I was a kid and I'm delighted someone finally got his hands in a remake. By the way, shouldn't there be some thread where people could present themselves and stuff? )

Some other old games I remember, which I find kind of related to ToB:

  • Sentinel: mentionned somewhere above in this thread. The mother of all abstract 3D puzzle games. Got up to landscape 3,500.
  • Archipelagos: a weird game where you had to link stones on island, while being careful of hostile creatures. A bit systematic, but the music was great.
  • Alpha Waves: that game where you pilot a spaceship thingy and jump from trampoline to trampoline in cubic rooms. It lacked a real goal but the 3D was nice.

There aren't that many abstract 3D games around and it's a shame (but it may be why Tower of Babel is remembered!)

I've recently played Darwinia. It's a real-time strategy game, but it blends some more thing in it, with distinctive "oldskool" graphics. For some reason, it made me thing about Tower of Babel, so I looked for it and stumbled here.

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Messages: 310
Location: Saarbrücken

New PostCreated: 2005-05-09, 12:47 PM CET  Subject: Re: Other old games we remember.  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Hi there, and welcome...

Hmm, you know, some day I'll just have to tackle Archipelagos and Sentinel. Gotta donwload the manual first, though...

Das Lemsche Gesetz:
Niemand liest etwas; wenn er etwas liest, versteht er es nicht; wenn er es versteht, vergißt er es sofort.
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Messages: 184
Location: United Kingdom

New PostCreated: 2005-05-09, 04:35 PM CET  Subject: Re: Other old games we remember.  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I remember Archipelagos. I was given it by my cousin, who didn't like it that much. Very surreal. I loved those man-made levels (every fifth). Level 5 was a wheel, level 10 I think was a pig. Others included the British Isles, the title sequence for Eastenders... most odd.

The manual is well worth a read. Very surreal. Be careful what you imagine, especially when it concerns planets in the northern sky...


PS: If anyone finds a working ADF for this game, I'd be very pleased. All the copies I've ever found are screwed up (try level 5 and see if you die instantly). My original disk - despite Fawlty's best efforts - refused to convert. Oh well.

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Messages: 62
Location: london

New PostCreated: 2005-05-09, 04:49 PM CET  Subject: Re: Other old games we remember.  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

How does this link fit in here:


looks can be deceiving
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Messages: 280
Location: Gütersloh

New PostCreated: 2005-05-09, 06:49 PM CET  Subject: Re: Other old games we remember.  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

And yet a second welcome to Grum!

    Zitat: Grum
    By the way, shouldn't there be some thread where people could present themselves and stuff? )
Oh, well, we had some revelations of the personalities of various members. It must be... eh... somewhere......... *digging through a couple of threads*
Ah, I found some of it! Actually we abused the "Original TOwers?" thread in the "Climbing the Tower" section. Have a look at this:
Anyway, you're right. Having an own thread for stuff like this would be nice. Z, how about you'd rename the "I got one" thread to "I got one - Introduction of new members" or something like that?

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Messages: 2
Location: Somewhere in France

New PostCreated: 2005-05-09, 06:51 PM CET  Subject: Re: Other old games we remember.  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I've never tried Archipelagos 2000. Actually, I've never seen it anywhere, nor heard of anyone who played it!

As for the original game, the PC version may be found here: ...I can't remember, but I'm pretty sure it lacks the music of the Amiga version...

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Messages: 280
Location: Gütersloh

New PostCreated: 2005-05-09, 06:52 PM CET  Subject: Re: Other old games we remember.  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

X-Men Origins - Wolverin...
    Zitat: Artinum
    PS: If anyone finds a working ADF for this game, I'd be very pleased. All the copies I've ever found are screwed up (try level 5 and see if you die instantly). My original disk - despite Fawlty's best efforts - refused to convert.
Hm, I could try again. I think I also had a version of that game somewhere. I'll see what I can do.

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