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Most strange and wondrous

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Messages: 310
Location: Saarbrücken

New PostCreated: 2005-01-11, 01:24 PM CET  Subject: Most strange and wondrous  print  print thread  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Music for the Motion Pic...
Usually I don't pay attention to the ads floating around, but I just noticed that banner trying to push FACELIFTS and facial surgery and the surgeon of my/your choice...

Just what did we do to attract the attention of whatever program is selecting the ads and make it decide we're interested in getting our faces lifted?
It must be all that talking about lifts, I guess...

I clicked around a bit to see what else would turn up, and, sure enough, there was an ad for Monty Python merchandise.
At least they got that right.

Das Lemsche Gesetz:
Niemand liest etwas; wenn er etwas liest, versteht er es nicht; wenn er es versteht, vergißt er es sofort.
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Messages: 280
Location: Gütersloh

New PostCreated: 2005-01-11, 07:44 PM CET  Subject: Re: Most strange and wondrous  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  


I came to the same conclusion concerning lifts. Haven't seen any Python stuff though.
We could play around with that "feature" a little bit... *g*
Anyone got a nice idea of some exotic keywords that we could mention every now and then?!?

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Messages: 310
Location: Saarbrücken

New PostCreated: 2005-01-12, 06:15 PM CET  Subject: Re: Most strange and wondrous  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Sex sells... at least they try to sell it.
Or we could pretend to be housewifes with a gun fetish.

Das Lemsche Gesetz:
Niemand liest etwas; wenn er etwas liest, versteht er es nicht; wenn er es versteht, vergißt er es sofort.
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Messages: 280
Location: Gütersloh

New PostCreated: 2005-01-12, 07:04 PM CET  Subject: Re: Most strange and wondrous  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Too easy...

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Messages: 184
Location: United Kingdom

New PostCreated: 2005-01-12, 11:23 PM CET  Subject: Re: Most strange and wondrous  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I've seen lots of ads for cosmetic zappers (presumably for spots, but I'd really rather not know). I guess that makes sense.

As for facelifts, we've made many references to 'lifts' before of a more up/down nature.

I'd be curious to know what they make of our names.


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Messages: 280
Location: Gütersloh

New PostCreated: 2005-01-13, 09:20 PM CET  Subject: Re: Most strange and wondrous  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Hiobs Brüder
    Zitat: - Z -
    Sex sells... at least they try to sell it.
    Or we could pretend to be housewifes with a gun fetish.
Ha ha. At least you brought us a "singles chat" ad with that.... *g*

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Messages: 310
Location: Saarbrücken

New PostCreated: 2005-01-13, 09:50 PM CET  Subject: Re: Most strange and wondrous  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I only get facelifts...

Let's try:

Mädchen, Freundin, Single, allein, Girl, Frau, Woman, looking, alone, suche, ficken, sex, tits, Möpse, butt, Hintern, schön, beautiful.

Feed the machine!

Still... Cosmetic Zappers!

(insane cackling)

Das Lemsche Gesetz:
Niemand liest etwas; wenn er etwas liest, versteht er es nicht; wenn er es versteht, vergißt er es sofort.

[edited: 2005-01-13, 09:51 PM CET by Dr.]
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Messages: 280
Location: Gütersloh

New PostCreated: 2005-01-13, 09:54 PM CET  Subject: Re: Most strange and wondrous  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Oh, lots of nice words for Arti to check in the dictionary... *g*

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Messages: 280
Location: Gütersloh

New PostCreated: 2005-01-13, 10:35 PM CET  Subject: Re: Most strange and wondrous  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

He he! This works even in the chat!
Z and I just noticed funny changes in the ads even while we were typing!

By the way: We want to try another chat-meeting next Sunday, 19 p.m. CET!

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Messages: 280
Location: Gütersloh

New PostCreated: 2005-03-05, 01:26 AM CET  Subject: Re: Most strange and wondrous  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Ich bin dann mal weg. 6 ...
I just got linked to by an ad on our site, which contains stuff like "fawlty links" and "fawlty shop".
Guess it was just a matter of time.

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