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Why Babel (Babylon)?

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Messages: 62
Location: london

New PostCreated: 2005-05-02, 10:55 AM CET  Subject: Why Babel (Babylon)?  print  print thread  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Canon EOS 500D SLR-Digit...

I was wondering why people are into ToB and what imagery it brought up. The whole mixture of ancient culture, myth and technology does it for me...

I did like Babylon 5's bubble 3D models, although Babylon 5 as a program (script, acting, render quality) sucked.



and of course


What did it for you?

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Messages: 280
Location: Gütersloh

New PostCreated: 2005-05-02, 02:33 PM CET  Subject: Re: Why Babel (Babylon)?  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Don't forget

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Messages: 184
Location: United Kingdom

New PostCreated: 2005-05-02, 04:58 PM CET  Subject: Re: Why Babel (Babylon)?  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

In my case it was one of ten games in the Astra Pack, which I got as a Christmas present alongside the Amiga. I've always been drawn to weird things and here was a weird, weird game.

I remember getting nowhere fast on "Softly, Softly!" and consulting the manual to discover that lifts were grey squares. Take another look... ooh, what's that?

"The Magic Roundabout" drove me spare back then. Ah, the follies of youth...

As regards the mythology, I remember the gist of the story in the manual. I am aware that there WAS a Tower of Babel mentioned in the bible, but I'm pretty sure that hoppers, zapper beams and robot spiders didn't feature. Shame. I can just imagine Moses proclaiming to his people "Thou shalt not permit lizards to eat thy floors".


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Messages: 62
Location: london

New PostCreated: 2005-05-02, 05:59 PM CET  Subject: Re: Why Babel (Babylon)?  print  recommend Reply with Quotation picture in my head, including the parting of the tiles

Here is the original logo design for tob2...just in case people are interested (please don't say it is better... I just got all the blues sorted out

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Messages: 280
Location: Gütersloh

New PostCreated: 2005-05-03, 09:16 AM CET  Subject: Re: Why Babel (Babylon)?  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

*lol* Of course once again you find the answers to all your questions in "The Simpsons"! In yesterday's episode Homer ordered a "Tower of Babel" ice cream, reaching up to heaven....

@chris: Blood spots in a ToB logo?!?
And it's hard to judge which logo is better when we know only one, isn't it?!?

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Messages: 62
Location: london

New PostCreated: 2005-05-03, 11:34 AM CET  Subject: Re: Why Babel (Babylon)?  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Hero Screen Protector SP...

Who says this isn't red hydrolic fluids of the blown up spiders? ToB2 isn't exactly violance free, and is based on strained relationships between humans and machine, right?. The alternative logo is now the front to the website... which is the plagerised copy of the original We couldn't come up with anything better.

If anyone has any ideas for a suitable replacement... we would love suggestions.

Have fun!

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Messages: 310
Location: Saarbrücken

New PostCreated: 2005-05-09, 12:45 PM CET  Subject: Re: Why Babel (Babylon)?  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Yuck... blood.
But apart from that the logo is very nice.

I noticed some of your links don't seem to be working...?

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Messages: 62
Location: london

New PostCreated: 2005-05-09, 12:53 PM CET  Subject: Re: Why Babel (Babylon)?  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

They all work for me... which one doesn't... and I'll post that picture directly

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Messages: 310
Location: Saarbrücken

New PostCreated: 2005-05-09, 01:41 PM CET  Subject: Re: Why Babel (Babylon)?  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Ah, I see... sorry, the indented paragraphs threw me off.

Das Lemsche Gesetz:
Niemand liest etwas; wenn er etwas liest, versteht er es nicht; wenn er es versteht, vergißt er es sofort.
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Messages: 62
Location: london

New PostCreated: 2005-05-09, 02:07 PM CET  Subject: Re: Why Babel (Babylon)?  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I just noticed something. --Z--: Location: Saarbruecken :O
I used to studdy at the uni there for a term or two. It had a weired thing - a city bypass that ran through the middle of town. It also ran by the main river, and was build so low, that it regularly flooded. They also had a great pub area, and good beer

Is that all still there (I think I might still have a coffee cup from one of the places, which we liberated, because they were rather large, and rather stylish :O... I can only apologize to the pub owner ... but you know... students are stupid when they get drunk )

looks can be deceiving
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