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Beiträge: 280

New PostCreated: 2005-06-12, 02:37 PM CET     Subject: Re: ToB2 Reply with Quotation  

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Wish I could be of any help, but I don't even wear band shirts...

But if you put all your hope into the gay community, I have a suggestion. You could try to hire the Village People. Can't be too expensive nowadays. Now imagine those guys on stage singing "T - O - B - 2, it's fun to play the game T - O - B - 2..." Could increase shirt sales dramatically.
You could also make the shirts armless. Or at least "mostly armless".
Hm, too bad. I just noticed the correct word is "sleeveless". But that would destroy my reference to the 'itch'iker`s Guide to the Galaxy.
Ah, just forget it. Today I'm not even good at making bad jokes... *hmpf*
Anyway, has anybody seen the movie yet?!

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