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Beiträge: 17

New PostCreated: 2005-02-24, 09:20 PM CET     Subject: Re: Redone the WATCHER-Texture Reply with Quotation  

Nokia 1208 black (Farbdi...
    Zitat: Fawlty
    *lol* I haven't seen the watcher in the remake before. He looks like an owl...

    "I have one request, though: Please make it a bit taller! Remember the watcher can be used as a shield against enemy zappers. It's not really convincing that a tiny object before your feet can protect you from an enemy looking right into your face..."

    hmmm, i´ve rebuilt it the same size it was in the original i think.
    Mayo? _____________

    "Warcus: Oh, and by the way, you mixed up the titles 'Neuschwanstein' and 'Nymphenburg' on the 'bunte bilder' page, and there is a typo with 'auswendug' in the last paragraph of the 'blahblah' page.... ;)"

    What a shame!!!!!!!

    I will correct this right now....




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