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Tower Conversion Tool

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Messages: 310
Location: Saarbrücken

New PostCreated: 2005-03-07, 01:32 AM CET  Subject: Re: Tower Conversion Tool  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Cool. I'll take a look at it as soon as possible, and do some testing.

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Messages: 105
Location: Schleswig-Holstein

New PostCreated: 2005-04-04, 07:36 PM CET  Subject: Re: Tower Conversion Tool  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

What's about a new version of the conversion tool? We need tons of towers for the default (and published) tower library in the RToB version

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Messages: 280
Location: Gütersloh

New PostCreated: 2005-04-07, 10:56 PM CET  Subject: Re: Tower Conversion Tool  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I do have a new version of the tool, but the only changes I did shortly after the last release were optical knickknacks. I now use a coloured treeview control instead of a simple text field for the directory. The plan is to be able to pick various towers and groups from one or more source disks and save them to a new disk. That would make compiling a disk with only the best towers for publishing much much easier. But I haven't done ANYTHING in the last few weeks...
Come to think about it, having drag'n'drop-controls would be really nice... But I've never done anything like that before, so I guess that will remain a dream.

Mayo, as far as I can remember you told me in the chat that there's still an error with the blue pulse effect. Can you give me an example what went wrong? I tried to reproduce the error, but everything seemed fine.

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