Uruguay Land Leute Tourismus
Uruguay Land Leute Auswandern
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Beiträge: 48190 Ort: Dep.Maldonado/Uruguay
Erstellt: 04.09.15, 20:27 Betreff: Zwei Kinder sind gestorben, warum?
Also sowas hätte ich jetzt nicht erwartet: sorry, so traurig das alles ist, aber hier sollte hinterfragt werden, ob es tragische Umstände einer Flucht oder eher fahrlässig war: Ms. Kurdi, speaking Thursday in a Vancouver suburb, said that their father, still in Syria, had suggested Abdullah go to Europe to get his damaged teeth fixed and find a way to help his family leave Turkey. She said she began wiring her brother money three weeks ago, in €1,000 ($1,100) amounts, to help pay for the trip.
Shortly after, she said her brother called her and said he wanted to bring his whole family to Europe, as his wife wasn’t able to support their two boys alone in Istanbul.
The father of 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi, whose body washed ashore on a Turkish beach, spoke with reporters after harrowing images of his dead son were published across the globe. Image: Associated Press “If we go, we go all of us,” Ms. Kurdi recounted him telling her. She said she spoke to his wife last week, who told her she was scared of the water and couldn’t swim. http://www.wsj.com/articles/image-of-syrian-boy-washed-up-on-beach-hits-hard-1441282847 So tragisch das ist, aber dieser "Vater" gehört vor Gericht! Er war in Sicherheit, hatte finanzielle Unterstützung durch seine Schwester in Kanada http://news.sky.com/story/1546212/drowned-boys-father-tells-how-boat-capsized
Quelle und mehr http://www.dasgelbeforum.net/board_entry.php?id=368083
Das ganze Geschehen ist so trostlos. Es wird leider noch schlimmer werden!
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