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Greece: Flames tear through Europe’s oldest Mosque, the Celebi Sultan Mehmed

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Beiträge: 48190
Ort: Dep.Maldonado/Uruguay

New PostErstellt: 22.03.17, 15:05  Betreff: Greece: Flames tear through Europe’s oldest Mosque, the Celebi Sultan Mehmed  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Greece: Flames tear through Europe’s oldest Mosque, the Celebi Sultan Mehmed

Veröffentlicht am 22.03.2017
A fire blazed through the fifteenth century Celebi Sultan Mehmed Mosque, also known as the Bayezid Mosque, in the northeastern Greek town of Didymoteicho on Wednesday at dawn.

The flames took 54 firefighters with 23 fire engines to extinguish and parts of the historic mosque's roof were destroyed.


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