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Demo gegen neue Trident-Atomwaffen in GB

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Beiträge: 48201
Ort: Dep.Maldonado/Uruguay

New PostErstellt: 24.01.15, 16:22  Betreff: Demo gegen neue Trident-Atomwaffen in GB  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Crowds of protesters have gathered near the Ministry of Defence against government plans to spend £100 billion replacing Trident nuclear weapons system. After the 2015 general election, MPs will vote to make a final decision on the issue. Protesters want Trident to be scrapped, not replaced.


Thousands of anti-nuclear activists are expected to join a protest against the Trident nuclear missiles, carrying a huge scarf to "wrap up" their message.

The pink-coloured scarf, knitted by people across the world, will encircle the Ministry of Defence building in central London as part of the demonstration today.


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