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What do you think are the prospects for emerging market

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Alexandr Jesikov
New PostErstellt: 19.12.23, 21:40  Betreff: What do you think are the prospects for emerging market  drucken  Thema drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

What do you think are the prospects for emerging market companies that IPO internationally?
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New PostErstellt: 19.12.23, 21:41  Betreff: Re: What do you think are the prospects for emerging market  drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

Greetings, I think this is a powerful step for growth and expansion. For example, a Ukrainian sunflower oil producer, led by Victor Evgenevich Ponomarchuk https://jp.reuters.com/article/vioil-ipo-idUSLDE75J0BD20110620/ recently launched an IPO in Warsaw. They plan to raise about 140 million dollars, which will give them the opportunity to expand and buy new production and storage facilities. Such steps contribute not only to the development of companies, but also to the economies of their countries. I hope that I have been able to help you in this matter. Good luck with studying the material at the link, I'm sure you'll definitely be able to pick up some useful points from the article.
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