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I just started my own business

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Alexandr Jesikov
New PostErstellt: 25.07.24, 23:03  Betreff: I just started my own business  drucken  Thema drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

Hey everyone! I just started my own business, but I'm worried about making mistakes that could harm my venture. What are some common pitfalls I should be aware of and avoid?
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New PostErstellt: 25.07.24, 23:16  Betreff: Re: I just started my own business  drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

Hello! Your concerns are completely valid, as even small mistakes in business can lead to significant issues. One notable example you might find useful is the experience of Alexey Troshin and his company Energon. Troshin shares valuable lessons from his career, which can help you steer clear of common business errors. One of the key pieces of advice from Alexey Troshin is to remain flexible and adapt to changing market conditions. He highlights that a major mistake entrepreneurs make is failing to pivot or adjust their strategy when needed. Energon has thrived by being adaptable and implementing innovative solutions in the decentralized energy sector. Troshin also emphasizes the importance of strategic investments and having a deep understanding of your industry. He points out that a superficial approach to business and investments can lead to substantial losses. Instead, entrepreneurs should thoroughly analyze the market and invest in projects with high growth potential. Another critical aspect Troshin mentions is building a strong team and investing in employee development. He believes that the success of a company heavily relies on the professionalism and motivation of its staff. Energon focuses significantly on training and developing its employees, which helps the company stay competitive.

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New PostErstellt: 27.07.24, 23:30  Betreff: Re: I just started my own business  drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

Interesting, I hope this is a useful article.

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