Erstellt: 30.03.05, 16:42 Betreff: Re: Von der Seriellen schnittstelle senden und empfangen? |
Nachtrag hier mein Programm (Wo werden die Daten gespeichert die empfangen habe?
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all;
entity SerMod is port (clk : in std_logic; ClkSel : in std_logic; Res : in std_logic; TC : out std_logic; OutClk16: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); RxD : in std_logic; TxD :out std_logic; Test : out std_logic); PD1 : out std_logic_vector (9 downto 0); PD2 : out std_logic_vector (9 downto 0); Mode : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); end SerMod;
architecture BH of SerMod is signal mclock : std_logic; signal outbit : std_logic; signal S_Count: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); signal S_Clock16x: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal S_Clock16x9: std_logic; signal S_Count9: integer range 0 to 143; signal S_Init:std_logic; signal S_Nix:std_logic; signal S_Nix1:std_logic; -- signal S_Serin:std_logic; constant C_TermCount: integer:=11; constant C_TermCount9600: integer:=143; begin
--S_Serin<=RxD; ClockDivider: process(clk,S_Init) begin if(ClkSel='1') then if(clk'event and clk='1') then S_Nix <= not S_Nix; if (S_Count >= "100011111") then S_Count<="000000000"; else S_Count<=S_Count + "000000001"; end if; end if; elsif (ClkSel='0') then
if(clk'event and clk='1') then S_Nix1 <= not S_Nix1; if (S_Count >= "000010111") then S_Count<="000000000"; else S_Count<=S_Count + "000000001"; end if; end if; end if;
if S_Init='0' then S_Init<='1';
else if S_Count>=C_TermCount then S_Clock16x<=NOT S_Clock16x; S_Count <="000000000"; else S_Count<=S_Count+1; end if; S_Clock16x9<='1'; end if; OutClk16<=S_Clock16x; Test<=S_Nix and S_Nix1; end process;
--ClockDivider9: process --begin
-- wait until ((mclock'event and mclock='1') ); -- if S_Init='0' then -- S_Init<='1';
-- else -- if S_Count9>=C_TermCount9600 then -- S_Clock16x<=NOT S_Clock16x; -- S_Count9 <=0; -- else -- S_Count9<=S_Count9+1; -- end if; -- S_Clock16x<='1'; -- end if; --end process; TxD <= outbit; -- Test<= S_Clock16x and S_Clock16x9; end BH;
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all; ------------------------------------ entity UART_RX is port ( RESET: in std_logic; -- RESET X16CLK: in std_logic; -- This clock is 16 time as fast as baud rate clock DATA: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- The output on these signals is valid on the rising DATA_READY signal SER_IN: in std_logic; -- Serial input line DATA_READY: out std_logic -- This signal goes high one clock after DATA is valid. Signal is active for one clock. );
end UART_RX;
architecture RX_UART_arch of UART_RX is
signal BUF: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); signal SER_IN1,SER_IN2: std_logic; -- These signals are used to double buffer a signal that is sources external to the board. -- The double buffering syncs the signal to the on board clk. signal Sample_counter: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- There should be 16 X16CLK samples for each bit in the word. signal bit_count : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- This counts the bits in the word. 1 start, 8 data, and 1 stop. signal VALID_DATA: std_logic; -- Valid data word flag.
signal UART_STATE: UART_STATE_TYPE; -- Where in the transmitted word are we?
process(X16CLK,RESET) begin if RESET = '1' then SER_IN1 <= '1'; SER_IN2 <= '1'; DATA <= "00000000"; DATA_READY <= '0'; elsif (X16CLK'event and X16CLK = '1') then SER_IN1 <= SER_IN; SER_IN2 <= SER_IN1; DATA <= BUF(8 downto 1); DATA_READY <= VALID_DATA; end if; end process;
Mode <= "0";
process (Mode) begin
if Mode = '0' then DB1 <= "0000000001"; DB1 <= "0000000000"; DB2 <= "0000000001"; DB2 <= "0000000000"; Mode <= "1" DB1 <= "0010001000"; DB2 <= "0010001000";
end if;
end process;
process(X16CLK,RESET) begin if RESET = '1' then UART_STATE <= IDLE; bit_count <= "0000"; Sample_counter <= "0000"; BUF <= "1111111111"; VALID_DATA <= '0'; bit_count <= "0000";
elsif X16CLK'event and X16CLK = '1' then case UART_STATE is when IDLE => -- Waiting for Start Bit if SER_IN2 = '0' then -- Start new bit and new word UART_STATE <= WAIT_1ST_HALF; else UART_STATE <= IDLE; end if; Sample_counter <= "0001"; BUF <= "1111111111"; VALID_DATA <= '0'; bit_count <= "0000"; when WAIT_ONE => -- Start of new 16 sample bit UART_STATE <= WAIT_1ST_HALF; BUF <= BUF; VALID_DATA <= '0'; bit_count <= bit_count; Sample_counter <= "0001"; when WAIT_1ST_HALF => -- wait 8 samples of bit if Sample_counter = "0111" then UART_STATE <= GET_DATA; else UART_STATE <= WAIT_1ST_HALF; end if; Sample_counter <= Sample_counter + '1'; BUF <= BUF; VALID_DATA <= '0'; bit_count <= bit_count; when GET_DATA => -- get the ninth sample and call it good. UART_STATE <= WAIT_2ND_HALF; BUF <= SER_IN2 & BUF(9 downto 1); Sample_counter <= Sample_counter + '1'; VALID_DATA <= '0'; bit_count <= bit_count; when WAIT_2ND_HALF => -- wait the remaining samples. if Sample_counter = "1110" then UART_STATE <= LAST_BIT; else UART_STATE <= WAIT_2ND_HALF; end if; Sample_counter <= Sample_counter + '1'; BUF <= BUF; VALID_DATA <= '0'; bit_count <= bit_count; when LAST_BIT => -- Last sample in Bit if bit_count = "1001" then -- Is it last bit in word? UART_STATE <= IDLE; bit_count <= "0000"; if BUF(9) = '1' and BUF(0) = '0' then VALID_DATA <= '1'; else VALID_DATA <= '0'; end if; else UART_STATE <= WAIT_ONE; bit_count <= bit_count + '1'; VALID_DATA <= '0'; end if; end case; end if; end process;
end RX_UART_arch;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all; entity UART_TX is port ( RESET: in std_logic; -- RESET BAUDCLK: in std_logic; -- This clock is the BUAD rate clock DATA: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- DATA to be sent SER_OUT: out std_logic; -- Serial output line SEND_DATA: in std_logic; -- Trigger serial out BUSY: out std_logic -- Transmitting Flag );
end UART_TX;
architecture TX_UART_arch of UART_TX is
signal BUF: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); signal count: integer range 0 to 9;
process(BAUDCLK,RESET,BUF) begin if RESET = '1' then count <= 9; BUF <= "1111111111"; elsif BAUDCLK'event and BAUDCLK = '1' then if count = 9 and SEND_DATA = '1' then -- Ready to send char count <= 0; BUF <= '1' & DATA & '0'; elsif count < 9 then -- cycle through word BUF <= '1' & BUF(9 downto 1); count <= count + 1 ; else BUF <= BUF; count <= count; end if; end if; end process;
BUSY <= '1' when count < 9 else '0'; SER_OUT <= BUF(0); -- Idle high
end TX_UART_arch;