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Roberto Baena
Erstellt: 15.02.06, 10:54 Betreff: VHDL error message
Thema drucken weiterempfehlen
I've written some VHDL code and I got the following error message:
Error: Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net sensor_sigte[1] at Simulacion_SSI.vhd(104)
Can anybody help me with this? The code is posted below. If you need the complete program tell me and I'll send you. Of course I have posted here the part of the code I think is necessary for corrections.
ETAPA_ENVIO: process -- LÍNEA 104 begin wait until (step=2); case (sensor) is when 1 => control <= "01"; sensor_sigte <= 2; when 2 => control <= "10"; sensor_sigte <= 3; when 3 => control <= "11"; sensor_sigte <= 1; end case; irq_aux <= '1'; step_sigte <= 3; data_paralelo_out <= data_paralelo_aux; end process;
SINCRO: process (CLK_48M, RESET) begin if (RESET='1') then step <= 1; step_sigte <= 1; sensor <= 1; sensor_sigte <= 1; elsif ((CLK_48M'EVENT) AND (CLK_48M='1')) then control_ssi <= control; -- dato de sensor data_paralelo <= data_paralelo_out; -- dato de posición time_ssi <= contador_out; -- diferencia de tiempo irq <= irq_aux; -- señal de interrupción para la CPU sensor <= sensor_sigte; step <= step_sigte; end if; end process;
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Erstellt: 15.02.06, 12:11 Betreff: Re: VHDL error message
Hi Roberto!
In your 2nd process SINCRO you reseted sensor_sigte. As you don't use the signal afterwards and as you assign it in the upper process you should delete this line:
if (RESET='1') then step <= 1; -- step_sigte <= 1; sensor <= 1; sensor_sigte <= 1; ...
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