  VfB 91 Suhl
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New PostErstellt: 02.05.07, 19:25     Betreff: Ankündigung:  Interview with Jelena Mijatovic

Michael Jackson's This I...

Q&A with Jelena "Jeca" Mijatovic

Deutsch / Englisch

Suhl, 28.04.2007: It's done...the 3rd place is ours! At least for seven days. After a tough start in the first set and a devastating second, the team bounced back and played a solid game, clinching sets three and four against NA.Hamburg and gathering two important points. After the last ball was played, literally the whole "Wolfsgrube" was jumping up and down, celebrating the victory. But our beer had to rest a little bit longer in it's keg. We had the chance to speak with Jelena after the game, and we're convinced that the following interview turned out very well. So we want to air out a great "Thank You!" to Jelena, for answering our questions.

photo: Tommy

Dynamics: Congratulations! Can you tell us a few words about the game?
Jeca: We allways have a tough game against Hamburg, and this time I think it was all about if we are gonna get in a good rhythm; if we gonna pass, if we gonna have a variety of options in attack. Today, during the whole game we struggled with passing, but I think we managed to compensate that with good hits and good blocks and some good defensive pick-ups. On the other side I think Hamburg did not pass that great either and therefore our not so great passing wasn't that much big of a deal. It was a kind of a game where it was just a matter of time who is going to set the rhythm and win.

Dynamics: You are in an impressive rallye for the 3rd place right now, and the team performed very well the last few games - despite of all the injuries. How did you - as a team - go into these games?
Jeca: First of all, we all know, in what position we are. We know, that we have some injuries, we know, that we just need to go out there and try to do our best, just try to play a good game and stick for each other. If somebody makes a mistake the others try to make up for it. As long as we play like a team, I think we are gonna be OK.

Dynamics: Regarding the chances for the 3rd place and looking at the schedule: probably you'll have to win both of the last two games..?
Jeca: Yes. We have to win two, and Wiesbaden needs to lose one... It's a little bit tricky. We would like to get to the 3rd place, but I think, we just need to go one step at the time...So far that was our mind set and we will continue in that same manner. We play Schwerin this weekend and we will try to do well against them and then Vilsbiburg is coming to Suhl for the final game of the season... Hopefully we will do good and get us in a position to win the 3rd place.

Dynamics: What would you say are the main differences between NCAA and DVL?
Jeca: I would say that NCAA has a lot of good teams and you don't really get to play them all, because it a huge national competition. The top 15 teams are really good teams, very athletic. Here I think that the technique and the style of the game are a little bit different. And the season is totally different. There, you play for three months and here it's nine months long - that's the most significant difference between those two (leauges), but in general I just think it's just a different style of the game - there it's a little bit faster and maybe more physical, the girls are more athletic, but here I would say it's better technique and ball-control.

Dynamics: So, how did you like it here in Suhl?
Jeca: Oh, I liked it, it's a nice small town and we have fans that support us. The gym is allways packed for games. It was a good experience. I learned a lot and grew as a person also. The people from the club are very nice and supportive and the girls are very cool and nice. So I really liked it and had some good experiences.
Jelena Mijatovic

Dynamics: Unfortunately you are going to leave us now. Do you already have some special plans right now?
Jeca: No, I really don't even think about that. I'm just trying to work my best here and try to finish the season. We have a couple more weeks left and that's all that I think about. After that, when I am finished with my part here, then I'm gonna start thinking about what's next for me.

Dynamics: So thank you very much for doing this and for all your effort this season and we wish you all the best for your future.
Jeca: You're welcome. Thank you for your support. We all appreciate it a lot.

The interview was conducted by Ingolf Rust (SC).


[editiert: 02.05.07, 19:30 von SatanClaus]
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