The Who Concert Guide Forum
The Who Concert Guide - The greatest Rock'n Roll Band live on stage: THE WHO
The project Who Concert Guide started in June 1996. The idea was to create a helpful guide for fans of the greatest Rock'n Roll band in the world. Many people are collecting Who-tapes and stuff like that, and many tapes-lists and books with live shows are full of mistakes. In early 1996 I decided to build a site where every Who-fan could contribute. This forum is part of the Who Concert Guide.
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The Who 1967

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Messages: 34
Location: Germany

New PostCreated: 2003-04-10, 09:36 AM CET  Subject: The Who 1967  print  print thread  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Another Mail:

I don't understand why you won't reply to my email
since your website asks to "Send corrections,
proposals or any ideas" - I think that's a bit rude...

Anyway, a big Marc Bolan expert Uwe Klee just sent me
some more ifo regarding The Who/John's Children German
tour of 1967:

1) JC & The Who DID NOT play on the 9th in Essen (this
was just the origional schedule), but at the Thalia
Theater in Wuppertal (this is proofed by a newspaper
add, see also Cliff McLenehan's book "Marc Bolan A
Chronology" p.14, and a person who went to see them

2) In Ludwigshafen The Who DID perform (see also the
Cliff McLenehan book p.13)! There was a smaller riot,
with a smashed window (confirmed by that night's
police report), during the JC show, and a big one
during The Who appearence. The first two photos shown
on the website are from Ludwigshafen and taken during
the Who's performance (!). The third is unknown to me
(it wasn't featured among the contact sheets I've seen
from Ludwigshafen), and possibly stems from another

Can someone confirm these changes?

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