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New PostErstellt: 22.09.03, 12:44     Betreff: E-mail an Alan White

Die Frau am Tor
Diesen Brief hatte ich nach der YES-Symphonic-Tour an Alan geschrieben. Da ich in Berlin genau in der Mitte in der ersten Reihe saß, hatte ich oft Blickkontakt mit Jon und auch mit Alan. Über seine Antwort (steht auch auf seiner eigenen HP im Forum) war ich sehr glücklich.

Dear Alan,
today I would like to thank you for the two drum sticks
that I received from you on November 9th, 2001 after
the YES concert that took place on that day in Berlin.
Do you remember this concert of the YESSYMPHONIC
tour? Although several months have passed, I still
have these unforgettable memories of this YES concert
in my mind every day.

As I live in Berlin I was lucky to get tickets in the first row.
My seat was just in the center in front of Jon, and so
I often could establish eye contact with Jon and with you
(I was the person with the flowers for Jon).

As I love YES music more than anything else I would like
to tell everyone about this wonderful music. For this reason
I have created a YES home page on the Internet. I would
like for everyone to learn about the YES music, its meanings
and effects. Maybe you have the chance to take a look
at the home page. I would be very happy about that.

It was never before that I have seen so many happy people
after a concert like after a YES concert. Every man who
has learned about the mystery of this music can consider him-
of herself very happy and has a valuable gift for all of his or
her lifetime. I feel especially lucky to live in this time when you
are on this world and create such marvelous music. And
it is a great gift that there are CD players and computers
so that everyone can establish contact with like-minded people
and press the 'Play' button of their CD player countless times.

I think there would be a paradise on Earth, if all people
valued and implemented the message of YES music. Yet it is so
saddening that genuine values, quality and deep insights have
no place in this media-oriented world full of corruption.
That is why I feel the strong need to do everything I can so that
YES music will never be lost and forgotten and will continue to
live in the coming generations.

A dear friend (who is also a big fan of YES) was so kind to
translate this message from German into English.
I wish you, your family and the other members of the YES group
all the best, many ideas for new songs and a lot of energy
for the daily struggle in the corrupt music business.
Best wishes from Kerstin of Berlin

Dear Kerstin,
Thank you for your email. It is very satisfying to hear from someone who who truly understands the music
of YES and be sure that the band and myself appreciate hearing from people that are such great fans.
Be asured we are constantly working on new ideas!
All the best wishes, Alan

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