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Ghost Rider

Beiträge: 370

New PostErstellt: 01.02.09, 12:52     Betreff: Re: The Healing Road

USA - Der ganze Westen: Das komplett...
So, Musea hat den Promo-Text für TALES FROM THE DAM fertig:

"THE HEALING ROAD « Tales from the dam » FGBG 4806
Musea had released the second album by THE HEALING ROAD, “Timanfaya”, last year. “Tales from the dam” is the third album composed and played by the keyboardist Hanspeter Hess, helped by four guitarists, a drummer and a countertenor. THE HEALING ROAD avoids all the clichés of the “one man project”, as well as the risks of the “only instrumental” album. “Tales from the dam” is made of two 20 minutes parts, and keeps perfectly well the balance between dynamism and contemplative inspiration. Very diverse rythms, percussion and keyboard sounds, together with a strong, beautiful melodic work, allowed the creation of a suggestive instrumental music, full of feeling and subtleties, and really unique in the current progressive/symphonic trend. It can be brought near MIKE OLDFIELD’s first albums, with other more discrete influences (GENESIS, E.L.P., SUPERTRAMP…). THE HEALING ROAD offers melodies among the most beautiful of symphonic rock today, and certainly deserves a wider recognition of a great musical talent! You’ll enjoy the sound twice: It’s a LP+CD edition…"


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