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New PostErstellt: 11.04.08, 21:26     Betreff: Re: Wakeman Senior oder Wakeman Junior ?

Eine mallorquinische Reise 1929: Mal...
Aus dem Interview mit Alan White vom 4. April (...siehe dieses englischsprachige Forum) zum Thema Oliver und Rick:

JJG : What about the other members of Yes? Are they skeptical at all about Oliver’s technical ability or him coming on board?

AW: No. I think everybody’s good. I talked to Chris Squire yesterday and he said he had a meeting with him and I talked to Steve, and Steve had a whole rehearsal with him before he went and toured with Asia. So no, I think everything’s fine in that area.

JJG: So is Rick out of the band?

AW: Well, he’s not really out of the band—he’ll never really be out of the band. He just doesn’t want to push himself. He’s got a bunch of things going on and he doesn’t feel like touring. The travelling really wears you out and it really wears at you. And I’m fine—I’ve been doing this all the time, even though I’ve not been playing with Yes, I’ve been doing other things with other bands and travelling everywhere—And he just wanted to do that, so Oliver stepped up and jumped into his shoes.

And for a moment when our world had filled the skies
Magic turned our eyes

Please mind the gap between the train and the platformedge!
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