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New PostErstellt: 07.09.08, 22:29     Betreff: Re: Benoit David ist der neue YES-Sänger

Kindle Paperwhite, 15 cm (6 Zoll) ho...
Interessant - und für mich wichtig - ist, dass Rick ein Zusammenkommen des Classic-LineUps nicht ausschließt: Zitat Henry:

Will the "classic" line-up ever return, and what do they think of the new line-up?
Anderson's views about Squire/Howe/White's new plan is unclear, but Squire and the others have been in contact with him. At "The Director's Cut" DVD screening, R. Wakeman was reportedly fine with the new line-up. He did also express the hope that the classic line-up—himself, Anderson, Squire, Howe and White—would still perform together at some point, but said that it would not be for a tour and would have to be "for the right thing, for something special".

Jon Anderson ist Ricks Aussagen zufolge immer noch zu krank, um Musik im Studio aufzunehmen...kommt Zeit, kommen auch Jon und Rick wieder...

And for a moment when our world had filled the skies
Magic turned our eyes

Please mind the gap between the train and the platformedge!
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