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New PostErstellt: 21.03.20, 10:34     Betreff: Re: Warum stehen Frauen tendenziell eher auf Arschlöcher? Antwort mit Zitat  

    Zitat: Gast
      Zitat: Gast
        Zitat: Gast
        Warum finde ich es geil Memes die so niemand geäußert hat außer der Lügenpresse immer wieder zu wiederholen?

      Sie werden doch aber in der PU-Ecke genau so geäußert.

    In the Pareto Principle I delved into how women separate men into different sub-groups. The popularized oversimplification of this goes something like this:

    “20% of men are fucking 80% of women.”

    This is a misnomer. Granted, it used to have the good intention of getting men to believe that a small percentage of guys are having sex with a majority of women, and well, it might as well be them, right?

    I’m sure that was meant to be a kind of motivational encouragement for guys learning Game, but it’s effectively wrong. The reality is 100% of women are interested in fucking about 20% of guys. We can see this repeatedly illustrated in various online dating stats and the realities of what Tinder has done to the SMP. But that’s the principle, not the practice. Just because a woman wants to get with a twentieth percentile man in no way means she will be getting with that guy. The issue here is the want not the get.

    The second mistake it to presume the inverse: that 20% of men actually get
    80% of women. Usually this gets trotted out as an equal-for-equal
    argument that presumes, again, that desire should necessarily translate
    into consolidation.

    Betas and lower SMV men do get laid and pair off with women for any
    number of reasons, but the principle isn’t about who’s actually fucking
    who. Rather, it’s about who has more access to sexually available women
    based on their SMV valuation.
Ganz genau! Die lassen sich vom Arschloch ordentlich durchpimpern und dann suchen sie sich einen Beta für die Beziehung. Ich würde niemals mit einer Frau Sex haben die keine Jungfrau mehr ist. Ich kauf mir auch nix bei eBay.
Ich hasse gebrauchte Sachen.
nach oben
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