free general knowledge riddle with a prize to win and no finishing date
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No new posts Duet Riddle Nr 5 - now online
Hello all you who enjoy solving riddles,
here is DUET riddle Nr 5 (coming up before anyone has visibly scratched Nr 4 - maybe Nr 4 is one that will remain forever unsolved!)

Nr 5, however, I believe to be accessible. Go to
and have fun with it.
Remember the forum is there for you to join forces and BEAT LADY ADIE!! So give it a go even if you are the first one here. You are welcome, complete with a hug and kiss. Or two.

To write, click where it says "Antwort erstellen" (write answer).
"Vorschau" means preview. To post your answer, click below where it says "Beitrag schreiben" (post answer).
You can also register as a user under your real name or an assumed name if you wish, by clicking at the top of the previous page where it says "Kostenlos anmelden" (free registration).

Adie 16.04.05, 16:55
No new posts Here's the next one - Duet riddle Nr 4
Hello all riddlers,
looking for harder nuts to crack? Maybe you'll want to give this one a go. There will be a prize, too. Go to

The forum is for anyone interested in exchanging and discussing conclusions or findings with other participants. Join forces and beat Lady Adie! But when you get really far, please do not publish the ultimate solution here - mail it to [email protected].

To write, click where it says, "Antwort erstellen" (write answer). "Vorschau" means preview. To post your answer, click below where it says "Beitrag schreiben" (post answer).

You can also register as a user at the top of the previous page where it says "Kostenlos anmelden" (free registration.

Have fun playing around.

Adie 29.03.05, 14:57
No new posts DUET riddle Nr 3 - all guests and users welcome!
Hello everybody,
here's Lady Adie, slightly amazed by how fast the last riddle was solved, but here's a new one for you to sink your teeth into. Go to
There will be a prize to win but the challenge is in the brainsport itself. The forum is for anyone interested in exchanging and discussing conclusions and suggestions with others. Urs and I will look at them regularly but we can't deny or confirm any - someone has to mail us the complete solution.

To write, click where it says "Antwort erstellen" (write answer). "Vorschau" means preview. To post your answer, click below where it says, "Antwort schreiben" (post answer).
So, have fun, and the best of luck!
Lady Adie

PS. You can register at the top where it says, "Kostenlos anmelden" (free registration)
Adie 25.03.05, 12:49
No new posts Crack the Duet Riddle 2 -welcome guests and members!
DUET riddle Nr 2 has been cracked! It was online for only just over a month - but the next one is already up and waiting. Go to DUET riddle Nr 3, and have fun with it. Best of luck!
Hello to all and sundry,
here is the second DUET riddle. Go to www.uni-duisburg.de/Fak2/duet/duetriddle2.html
There is a prize to be won but the challenge is in the brainsport itself. The forum is for anyone interested in exchanging conclusions and suggestions with each other. I'll look at them regularly but I can't deny or confirm any - someone has to e-mail me the complete solution.

Just write where it says, "Antwort erstellen" (write answer). "Vorschau" means preview; to post your answer, click below your answer where it says "Beitrag schreiben" (post answer).
So, have fun, and the best of luck!

PS. You can register at the top where it says, "Kostenlos anmelden" (register for free).
Adie 15.02.05, 17:13
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