Boys tummys

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Boys tummys
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No new posts Nice ones
My contribution
Admin 2008-03-19, 05:10 PM CET
No new posts What we're looking for....
Ways to get a boys shirt off. We wanna see there tummies and we don't care how. The shirt can be in shreds, the boy can look unhappy, but as long as we see his tummy, we don't care.
Admin 2008-03-07, 02:53 PM CET
No new posts Reason I didn't post a response to the mustard thing...
I like them, but they are not what I am looking for...Please do BOYS with their shirts off, or comming off. It doesn't have to be the boy taking off their own shirt, it can be someone else. the boy doesn't have to like it either.
Admin 2007-03-29, 01:38 AM CET
No new posts Response 2 o.T.
Admin 2007-02-27, 06:15 PM CET
No new posts response o.T.
Admin 2007-02-17, 06:58 PM CET
No new posts 11 Members
ONly one posts. Please don't make me have to make this a requirement. I can put up really good pics, but you have to show me you want them.
Admin 2007-02-11, 05:19 AM CET
No new posts To further things.
I am willing to put work into this forum, and contribute pics if I can get some more response, I am willing to change the forum as members see fit. Let me know by message what you would like...and pelase contribute.
Admin 2007-02-03, 04:57 PM CET
No new posts Do you want this forum avaiable to members only?
Do you want this forum to members only, do you want it passworded? Will this encourage you to share?
Admin 2007-02-02, 08:26 PM CET
No new posts My contribution... o.T.
Admin 2007-02-02, 08:24 PM CET
No new posts Rules.
No CP No nudes Boys can range from two years old to fourteen. They can be already shirtless. They can be taking off their shirts. Or they can be having their shirts taken off by someone else. As long as they are showing their tummy's or stomachs. Shirts can be ripped, torn, or cut. The boy can be tied or not tied. Have fun.
Admin 2007-02-02, 04:16 PM CET
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