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Beiträge: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-09-07, 04:50 PM CET     Subject: Announcement:  Important! Read me first! Reply with Quotation  

Nescafé Dolce Gusto Latte Macchiato,...
1) When somebody is currently working on his own project, he should open a new thread for his questions and should ask all further questions in same thread, too.
Monster threads written of several people are just confusing.

2) Someone who writes here has to have basic experiences/knowledge in electronics. We will/can not expain everything for everyone. Sometimes it´s better to look at a book at your local library.

3) If you want to write something, for example you have a question, explain your problem as good as you can. We all are not very good in english, so take care that other people will understand you.
Use the dictionary and follow the orthography.

[edited: 2004-12-15, 05:20 PM CET by richy_64]
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