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New PostCreated: 2004-09-02, 12:32 PM CET     Subject:  Re: what is that MAR-8 driver Reply with Quotation  

hi friends

my brother i am in problem and you are the only one can help me i guess . i have to submit my project .. celluer phone jammer for security . i have POS1060 and PF1040........all the problem if from that noise or square wave genrator.......i alrady try 8 diiffernet circuits ...i just spend 6 hur in collage Lab to see this new circuit that u posted....

plesae friend help me as such as u can by come up with something that work .... your every word is very thing for me ....plesae help me to finish this project .......

just this problem making my life diffcult that no square wave or noise genrator is 17 to 23 V suppot...... i hope your this noise-gen with work ..but the out will be smaller then we need ....ok i will use this 741......

plesae help me as much as u can on this .......

german,s are the the best
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