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Beiträge: 198

New PostCreated: 2007-11-11, 02:36 PM CET     Subject: Satellite dish wi-fi antenna Reply with Quotation  

[Draft !]

i started to build a point-to-point wi-fi link, with two old Technisat pfa satellite antenna dishes (1m reflector diameter each).

Pfa means prime focus antenna, like this one:
Today, most satellite dishes are offset dishes because they take less place.

To connect two houses with wi-fi, distance: 1,5km. NO free line of sight. Sharing one DSL broadband connection with two houses to save money.


Unfortuantely, i don´t have the pictures of the whole antennas yet, next week, 17/18 november i can will add them.


There was one strange thing when i constructed those biquad feeds. I assumed that a bi-loop will work as good as a biquad... i think the loop looks more beautiful... but when i tested them with a network analyser, S11 of the bi-loop was really bad, -5dB return. I can´t imagine what might has been wrong with it... i decided to use the normal biquad, which had good values at the first try (lower than -10dB return).

The biquads are mounted on the original tripod of the satellite dish, where usually the lnb is installed.

[edited: 2007-11-11, 11:37 PM CET by kleiner-onkel]

PICT0003_.jpg (66 kByte, 512 x 384 pixels)

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