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Another ELV transmitter FM Stereo, PLL

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Messages: 198

New PostCreated: 2006-09-22, 11:06 AM CET  Subject: Another ELV transmitter FM Stereo, PLL  print  print thread  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Der Hobbit: Eine unerwartete Reise

Order code: 7073048 , price: 30€

Looks interesting to me . - They haven´t uploaded a schematic yet, what do you think which chip was used?



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Messages: 412
Location: South-West-G

New PostCreated: 2006-09-25, 03:22 PM CET  Subject:  Re: Another ELV transmitter FM Stereo, PLL  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Fist i thougt the ba1404 chip, but the case looks different, maybee with external phase look loop chip under the pcb. But there are few other chips out, for example from maxim that provide stereo and pll funktion in a low cost design. Let's wait for more information.

gr. Chris

p.s. to richard... zurzeit werden ja haufenweise inline transmitter und ipot sender verkauft... ich denk mal so ein maxim chip.

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