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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 04.08.14, 22:00     Betreff: Wenn der The New York Times zensiert dass Hadar Goldin von seine armee getötet war,

israelische Zeitung sprechen darüber ...

From Protective Edge to Operation Hannibal
In the Israeli government there are apparently secret admirers of Stalin, who during WWII treated every captured soldier as a traitor. For Israel, a dead soldier is preferable to a captured one. How Operation Protective Edge became Operation Hannibal.

Palestinian Center for Human Rights : Israeli offensive targeting innocent civilians

Director of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights Raji al-Surani said "What UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon said is 'selective' towards the ugly crimes against civilians. His duty is to protect civilians who are in the eye of the storm and a main target in this offensive," al-Surani said, lambasting the UN for not working to defend Gazan civilians under fire.

"The Israeli soldier captured is a 'classic' in the Third Geneva agreement," he added, stressing that capturing combatants was legal in the rules of war.

"Palestinians have the right to defend themselves according to international agreements," he added.

Ich war letzten Freitag in einem Kiosk. Direkt neben der Kasse lag ein Stapel BILD-Zeitungen. Nun halten ja viele die BILD für gefährlich und meinungsbildend, aber das glaube ich nicht. Von 10 Jungs, die ich gefragt habe, warum sie sich dieses nutzlose Blättchen kaufen, antworteten 9: “Nur wegen dem Sportteil”. Ich kaufe dieses Blatt grundsätzlich nicht, weil ich mehr für auf Rollen gewickeltes Klopapier bin (was auch erheblich billiger ist) und natürlich auch Sorge habe, ich könnte mir mit der Druckerschwärze mein Gesäß zu stark einfärben.

Was will die Hamas wirklich?

Lesen Sie die Liste der Bedingungen, die von der Hamas und dem Islamischen Jihad veröffentlicht wurden und beurteilen Sie ehrlich, ob es eine ungerechte Forderung unter ihnen gibt.

Blood on American's Hands
US Provides Israel Weapons Used on Gaza

Congress Passes $225 Million in Extra Military Aid to Israel. Which 8 Had the Courage to Vote No?

Für Human Rights Watch die Zilviisten die nicht nach ein Warnug evakuleren worden sind von den Internationale Gesetz nicht geschütz …

On many occasions since the beginning of the Israeli air offensive on July 7, 2014, Israel has issued purported warnings of attacks to the civilian population in Gaza. These have taken the form of small “knock on the roof” missiles and messages conveyed by telephone.
The laws of war require, so long as circumstances permit, that warring parties give "effective advance warning" of attacks that may affect the civilian population. What constitutes an "effective" warning will depend on the circumstances. Such an assessment would take into account the timing of the warning and the ability of the civilians to leave the area. A warning that does not give civilians adequate time to leave for a safer area would not be considered "effective."
Civilians who do not evacuate following warnings are still fully protected by international law. Otherwise, warring parties could use warnings to cause forced displacement, threatening civilians with deliberate harm if they did not heed them

…...‘All the targets hit by the IDF in Gaza were attacked morally; those killed are responsible for their own deaths. And Netanyahu – he just wants the Gazans to be safe.’

Human Rights Watch and the US government
"Or when you see people like Miguel Díaz who have had experience working for the CIA—which is easily the Western hemisphere's largest institutional human rights violator over the past half century—spend eight years on HRW's advisory committee before going into the State Department with the explicit objective of facilitating greater interaction between the U.S. intelligence community and NGOs like HRW. How can HRW associates be expected to not hold back in their criticisms of U.S. abuses around the world when they plan to help manage U.S. foreign policy in the future?

Strategisches Ziel vom Gaza-Krieg Israels: Die Entsendung deutscher Soldaten in den Gazastreifen

Statistics on the Israeli offensive against Gaza

Some 1743 Palestinians have been killed, including 396 children and 230 women, while  9100 have been injured, including 2767 children and 1814 women, since Israel began its current aggression against Gaza on July 8, said the Palestinian information ministry on Sunday. Additional estimated losses:

Closed Zone

gaza-obama.jpg (46 kByte, 579 x 388 Pixel)

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