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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 25.03.15, 10:58 Betreff: MIDEAST PEACE IS BURIED |
The US media is full of stories about how the Obama administration is going to punish Israel for re-electing Bibi Netanyahu in an election marked by demagoguery and arrant racism.
The New York Times EVEN warns President Barack Obama may back a series of UN resolutions demanding that Israel withdraw to its narrow 1967 borders and there create a viable Palestinian state.
Hardly. “King Bibi’s” re-election makes Israel virtually unassailable and master of all its surveys.
Who is going to force Israel to follow this sensible, two-state solution to the misery of the Palestinian people? Obama could not even stop Netanyahu from coming to Washington and humiliating him before Congress. Is Obama going to force Israel and its 650,000 armed settlers out of the West Bank?
Not so long as Israel and its American advocates control both the Congress, the Republican and Democratic parties – and Hillary Clinton. The late Israeli PM Ariel Sharon reportedly said to an aide concerned about a negative US response, “don’t worry about the US, I control the US.”
Eine Wahlniederlage Netanjahus wird Israel nicht erlösen
Schluss mit der Anprangerung des derzeitigen Premierministers: wenn das « linke Zentrum“ an die Macht gelangt, wird das nicht so vieles ändern, als behauptet wird.
Benjamin Netanjahu hat die israelisch-US-amerikanischen Beziehungen nicht „vernichtet“ oder „zerstört“. Schade, wirklich schade, denn sonst ist Israel kaum mehr durch was anderes korrumpiert worden, als durch seine pervertierten Beziehungen mit US-Amerika. Der Premierminister hat bloß seine persönlichen Beziehungen mit der derzeitigen US-Regierung zerstört. Nichts Gutes zwar, aber auch nichts Katastrophales.
Washington wird Israel blindlings weiter mit Waffen beliefern und unterstützen in all dessen Kriegen und Besatzungen, mit oder ohne Netanjahu. Und sobald an Stelle des derzeitigen Premierministers ein anderer getreten sein wird, beginnen die superfesten Umarmungen mit den israelischen Regierungschefs von neuem. Wartet nur: ihr werdet es erleben, wie die US-Amerikaner und Europäer zu einem Wahlsieg von Jitzchak Herzog Beifall klatschen; und wie alles sich wieder normalisiert, ohne jeglichen dauerhaften Schaden.
Israeli Election Post-Mortem: Rearranging the Deck Chairs
I use the term “post-mortem” deliberately, because the results of Israel’s election have been a sort of death for many Diaspora Jews and even Israelis who hoped finally to be rid of Bibi Netanyahu. There is a sense that Bibi, with his last minute racist pyrotechnics in effect stole the election, or at least manipulated it in a way that was truly horrifying. He invoked IDF Order 8, under which Israelis are mobilized to fight wars, in likening this election to a Israeli Jewish jihad against “Arabs” and “leftists.” In effect, Order 8 was like a dog whistle or Pavlov’s bell, summoning the masses to feed at the trough of hate.
The messages from Israel’s election
Those of us who know the nature of the beast could not have been surprised by the results of the Israeli election.
Like many of my friends, I was also relieved that a liberal Zionist government was not elected. It would have allowed the charade of the “peace process” and the illusion of the two-state solution to linger on while the suffering of the Palestinians continues.
As always, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself provided the inevitable conclusion when he declared the end of the two-state solution — inviting us all to the long overdue funeral of an ill-conceived idea that provided Israel with international immunity for its colonialist project in Palestine.
The power of the charade was on show when the world and local pundits unrealistically predicted a victory for liberal Zionism, an Israeli ideological trend that is near extinction — embodied by the Zionist Union list headed by Isaac Herzog and Tzipi Livni.
The exit polls compiled by Israel’s finest statisticians reinforced the wishful thinking, leading to a huge media fiasco as expectations of the “liberal” camp’s victory turned into shock and dismay over Netanyahu’s triumph.
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