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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 16.06.14, 16:45     Betreff: Erste link , ich habe Falls genommen ...

    Zitat: palestina libera
    Providing context may be taboo at a time when the entire country is focused on the fate of three kidnapped Israeli teens, but it is part and parcel of the story.

    Settlers' attacks intensify as Israel search for teens

    Settler violence toward Palestinians and their property continues in the shadow of a massive arrest campaign throughout the West Bank, in which Israel claims to have detained some 150 Palestinians, including the leadership of the Hamas movement.

    Sunday night, settlers from the Ramot Yishai outpost in downtown Hebron attacked Madleen Imad Abu Shamsiyya, aged 14, striking her hands and arms. When Israeli soldiers reached the scene they took Abu Shamsiyya and her father to the police station in the nearby settlement of Kiryat Arba for questioning. There are no reports of settlers being detained for questioning.

    Palestinian Authority : Israel imposing 'collective punishment' on Palestinian people

    Hungerstreik der palästinensischen Häftlinge

    Unter den derzeit 5.224 palästinensischen Häftlingen in israelischen Gefängnissen, befinden sich rund 200 Häftlinge, die in Administrativhaft sind, seit mehr als 40 Tagen im Hungerstreik.[tt_news]=381&cHash=4c0ff9dc26b0a3315a404b16c6dcf537

    Bilder :

    1)Hebrew University students, faculty and supporters (including Palestinian member of Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, Haneen Zoabi, shown holding sign) in occupied eastern Jerusalem hold a demonstration in solidarity with Palestinian Christian citizens of Israel who were recently sent voluntary draft notices encouraging them to enlist in the Israeli military, 7 May. Though army service will remain voluntary for the vast majority of non-Jewish Israeli citizens, the move is seen as an attempt to drive a wedge between Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens of Israel .

    2)Protest marking 47 years of Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza, Tel Aviv, Israel, 7.6.2014

    3)Demonstration against the Israeli wall and settlements, Al Ma'sara, West Bank, 6.6.2014

    4)Solidarity with Palestinian prisoners, Ichilov hospital, Tel Aviv, Israel, 5.6.2014

    5) Nummer die palästinenser Gefangenen in israelise Knast - 1 May 2014
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