palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 16.10.15, 00:27 Betreff: Israel deploys extra border troops as Hamas calls for 'day of rage' |
Israeli forces have announced heavier deployments at the border area with Gaza following the announcement of a Hamas-prompted "day of rage" planned to take place on Friday, an Israeli army spokesperson said.
An Israeli army spokesperson said Israeli authorities undertook a "situational assessment" following increased clashes and upheaval along the Gaza border area and have decided to deploy two more battalions along the Strip for Friday's so-called "day of rage."
Clashes have been frequent along the border fence recently, as Gazans have planned protests in solidarity with demonstrations in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Since the start of October, Israeli authorities have reported multiple breaches at the border fence during clashes and Israeli forces have shot dead at least nine Gazans at the protests.
Additionally, the spokesperson said that Israel authorities announced that two battalions and two companies of Israeli troops would be deployed in the occupied West Bank..... .......Since the beginning of the month Israeli forces have killed 32 Palestinians across the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel, with at least 17 shot dead at demonstrations.
Over 360 Palestinians have been shot with live fire, 932 with rubber-coated steel bullets, and 2,365 have been injured by tear gas in daily protests across the West Bank and Gaza, according to the Red Crescent.
At least seven Israelis have been killed and 100 injurend in the same time period, the majority of which have been killed in stabbing attacks carried out by Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem and other parts of Israel.
Families given 72 hours to evacuate homes before punitive demolitions
Israeli authorities overnight Wednesday and during the day Thursday executed punitive measures against the families of Palestinians accused of carrying out attacks against Israel, giving four families 72 hours to evacuate their homes before demolition, and raiding the homes of three others.
„Ahoi Ihr Killer, mit Kugel und mit Messer, tötet schnell! “
Bibi Netanjahu gerät in Verzweiflung: « Der Messerterror wird uns nicht besiegen ». Vielleicht nicht. Aber er bringt ihn schon durcheinander. Wie kann die summarische Hinrichtung von beliebigen, zwischen 7 und 77 Jahren alten und mit bloßen Messern bewaffneten PalästinenserInnen rechtfertigt werden? Im Zeitalter der Massenvernichtungswaffen erfinden nun die PalästinenserInnen den Widerstand der Armen wieder. Als hätten sie das französische Partisanenlied gehört, das Joseph Kessel und Maurice Druon 1943 verfassten. Da lautet nämlich ein Vers: „ Ahoi Ihr Killer, mit Kugel und mit Messer, tötet schnell!“
Macht Ost-Jerusalem zur Hauptstadt Palästinas
Israel ist wie der Geizhals, der das Futter für sein Pferd stufenweise abbaut. Es hat die Politik des Teilens, des Zerkrümelns und Eroberns in seiner Behandlung der Palästinenser perfektioniert. Aber es kam noch dazu, dass die Hauptstadt – Ost-Jerusalem - von seinem Volk abgeschnitten wurde. Wie dieser Geizhals dachte Israel, all dies würde laufen, um ins Guinness-Buch der kolonialen Rekorde zu kommen.
Aber das Pferd starb und Jerusalems Palästinenser rebellieren. Der Geizhals ist schockiert. Wie konnte das Pferd gerade jetzt sterben, wo es sich daran gewohnt hatte, nichts zu fressen? Viele Israelis taumeln. Wo kommt diese Gewalt denn her?
Die Palästinenser kämpfen um ihr Leben, Israel kämpft um die Besatzung
Uns fällt erst auf, dass es einen Krieg gibt, wenn Juden ermordet werden. Aber dies klammert nicht die Tatsache aus, dass die Palästinenser jederzeit getötet werden.
‘Israel is a terrorist state’
The violence rocking the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and now Gaza is on the verge of spilling into Israel, Palestinian leaders in Israel warned.
A wave of unrest has swept Palestinian towns in Israel over recent days, with repeated clashes with Israeli police in Nazareth, Jaffa, Lod, Ramle, Taibeh, Sakhnin, Rahat, Kfar Qassem and elsewhere. Dozens of protesters have been arrested.
On Thursday, as Palestinians declared a day of rage, police fired tear gas and stun grenades and led baton charges against several hundred protesters in Nazareth, the largest Palestinian city in Israel. Sixteen demonstrators, five of them minors, were arrested.
“We want the world to see the reality of what is going on here. The massacres and the discrimination have to end,” said Dima Kfeeny, 20, who added that people had come to protest peacefully. Her cousin was one of 13 demonstrators killed 15 years ago at the start of the second Intifada.
Read their lips: Israeli leaders’ plans for the Palestinians
History in the Holy Land seems stuck in a loop. In 2000, former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, at the time leader of the opposition, visited the Al-Aqsa compound in a deliberate provocation that triggered the Second Intifada. Israel launched operation “Defensive Shield” to crush the protests and eliminate the Palestinian resistance. As a result, more than 3,000 Palestinians and almost 1,000 Israelis lost their lives between 2000 and 2004, and the peace process was forever derailed.
Fast forward to 2015: The peace process is now dead and what hope Palestinians had during the early Oslo years has turned into bitter disappointment and despair. Jewish colonies, illegal under international law, have expanded on Palestinian land throughout the years of negotiations and now fully surround Palestinian communities. Palestinians, still living under occupation, are denied basic human rights and harassed by the Israeli military and the armed extremist settlers on a daily basis. To take just one example, Defense for Children International–Palestine reports that Israeli soldiers and settlers killed 1,951 children since 2000.