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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 14.09.14, 15:42 Betreff: Noch anderer palästinensser gefolter bis seiner tot in israelische Knasts
Palestinian detainee Raed al-Jabari, 35, who allegedly died after being tortured while in Israeli prison custody, was laid to rest on Friday in Hebron. http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=727070
Eine Woche bevor einer palästinenscher wurde in einer Krankehaus gebracht wegen seines verletzung die in einer israelisch Knast gemacht wurde . http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=725204
Letzten Jahr wurde auch noch anderer palästinenscher in israelischen Knasts Folter und getöten
....weil nach palästinensischen Angaben diente seine Verhaftung jedoch dazu, ihn zu einem Informanten des israelischen Inlandsgeheimdienstes Shin Bet zu machen. http://oraclesyndicate.twoday.net/stories/folter-als-tagesgeschaeft-und-tod-in-israelischen-gefaengnissen/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+twoday%2FCWYW+%28journalismus+-+nachrichten+von+heute+%28Kurzversion%29%29
Few details about tortured Palestinian prisoner in hospital http://www.alternativenews.org/english/index.php/features/human-rights/8436-few-details-about-tortured-palestinian-prisoner-in-hospital
Israeli doctors accused of collusion in torture http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(13)60612-1/fulltext
Palästinensische politische Gefangene PALÄSTINENISCHE GEFANGENE IN ISRAELISCHEN GEFÄNGNISSEN https://www.versoehnungsbund.de/gefangene
Folter und andere Misshandlungen
Palästinensische Häftlinge berichteten, dass sie während ihrer Verhöre durch den israelischen Sicherheitsdienst (Israel Security Agency - ISA) gefoltert und anderweitig misshandelt worden seien. Zu den geschilderten Foltermethoden zählten quälende Fesselungen von Gliedmaßen, das Verharren in schmerzhaften Positionen, Schlafentzug, Drohungen und Beschimpfungen. Während der Verhöre, die sich über Tage, manchmal sogar über Wochen hinzogen, durften die Häftlinge keinen Kontakt zu einem Rechtsbeistand aufnehmen. Gefangenen, die sich lange Zeit im Hungerstreik befanden, wurde mehrfach der Zugang zu unabhängigen Ärzten verweigert, und sie wurden vom israelischen Gefängnisdienst (Israel Prison Service) misshandelt. https://www.amnesty.de/jahresbericht/2013/israel-und-besetzte-palaestinensische-gebiete
und dieser israelische Folterpraxis hat eine lange Geschichte .... http://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=9&ved=0CFQQFjAI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.watzal.com%2FFolterpraxis_in_Israel.pdf&ei=KJYVVM-LL4bmyQPG_YIw&usg=AFQjCNHXR5Ib0JbNFTWIE5QgTJzJZO_Iig
Gefangen in Israel Palästinenser in israelischen Gefängnissen
"Es wäre besser diese Gefangenen im Toten Meer zu ersäufen - wenn das möglich wäre, weil das der tiefste Punkt der Welt ist." - Avigdor Lieberman, israelischer Minister für Strategische Angelegenheiten -
Israel - Palaestina - Zensur Gefaengnis Folter
Bild: http://electronicintifada.net/content/israel-jailed-influential-palestinian-writer-remove-him-society/13854
Artwork by Mohammad Saba’aneh for The Electronic Intifada.jpg (109 kByte, 618 x 446 Pixel)
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 20.09.14, 16:38 Betreff: Liberal Medien als Kriegstreiber , wenn umparteilichkeit bedeutet mit eine Seite gleichsetzen
Die letzte israelische angrief gegen Gaza , die liberalen Medien haben gesprochen wie Israel sich vertiediger gegen Hamas raketen um wie die isrelische Gewalt gegen palästinenschen die krietisiert soll ,ein Antwort gegen diesen raketen war . Der Author John Pilger beschreibt Gut diese Heuchelheim von der liberalen Anglo Sprache Medien . Als Beispiel er sprecht von der Englische Liberale Zeitung The Guardian . http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/09/12/gaza-and-the-threat-of-world-war/ Pilger hat Oft Zensur von diese Liberalen Medie bekomme , Beispiel als er versucht der Doku The War You Don’t See , http://vimeo.com/67739294 in einer Democracy Now! Program sprechen , wurde der interview abgebrochen , weil die Doku sagt das Obama gleich Kriegstreiber wie Bush ist , http://educate-yourself.org/ag/feldmanlannanfoundation09jul1.shtml Es gibt eines Interessantes Buch dem beschreibt wie diesen Medien die sich als Liberalen bezeichnen , nur sind Guten Dienen für seinen Sponsoren ....
Guardians of Power: The Myth of the Liberal Media http://johnpilger.com/books/guardians-of-power-the-myth-of-the-liberal-media
Die deutschen Medien haben gesprochen wie letzte Woche zwei Mörse von Gaza nach Israel geworfen wären , aber sie haben verschweigen wie Hamas den Täter Verhaften hat , http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/gaza-322163231 wie auch die deutsche Medien verschweigen die Seit dem Waffestillstand israel hat er mehr als 26 Mal ..... https://twitter.com/hashtag/WatchIsrael?src=hash
Nizar Ayyash told Ma'an that Israeli gunboats "have been firing at fishermen every day since the ceasefire agreement was signed."
Israel tortures prisoners captured in Gaza invasion
Israel tortures Gazans, targets Palestinian rights defenders
Neglect and disregard for life in Israeli prisons
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 24.09.14, 12:12 Betreff: All Israelis are implicated in the occupation
"key to understanding what allows the state to continue its control and oppression of millions of Palestinians for 47 years. The illusion that certain islands within Israeli society are disconnected from the military rule over the territories, and those lucky enough to fit themselves into one of them are free from the responsibility for its injustices, [that illusion] has anesthetized the conscience of those opposed to such control, and stops them from rising up against it."
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 28.09.14, 23:34 Betreff: Who remembers Gaza?
The Palestinian political forces, particularly the PA and Hamas, have not translated the sacrifices of the Palestinian people in Gaza into tangible political change. What we see instead is that the PA and Hamas fell back upon their previous default positions. What are Palestinians to do?
Hamas: We determine security of Israelis living near Gaza
A Hamas spokesman said in a statement on Saturday that the Palestinian faction determines the security of the Israeli towns and cities just outside the Gaza Strip, not the Israeli government.
The remarks from Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri came after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he had guaranteed the safety of Israelis in the border region through the destruction of Hamas tunnels in the area and through the killing of Palestinian military leaders.
Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian farmer in northern Gaza
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 13.10.14, 21:43 Betreff: A message to business “Do not plan our expulsion!”
The Israeli policies to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian Bedouin communities from the Jordan Valley and the area east of Jerusalem include the construction of three apartheid-style townships. Once expelled, these communities should be relocated there. However, in the last weeks Palestinian campaigners and Bedouin communities have made great advances to obstruct this plan: They have directly targeted the companies involved in the construction of the two townships currently being developed.
Is there a plan to force Palestinians into Sinai?
What is Israel’s endgame in Gaza? It is a question that has been puzzling analysts and observers for some time. But belatedly, there are indications of the future Israel and Washington may have in mind for Gaza.
Desperately overcrowded, short on basic resources like fresh water, blockaded for eight years by Israel, with its infrastructure intermittently destroyed by Israeli bombing campaigns, Gaza looks like a giant pressure cooker waiting to explode.
Israel’s occupation is more complex than a genocide
Israeli officials were caught in a revealing lie late last month as the country celebrated the Jewish New Year. Shortly after declaring the most popular boy’s name in Israel to be “Yosef”, the interior ministry was forced to concede that the top slot was actually filled by “Mohammed”.
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 15.10.14, 23:58 Betreff: Who benefits from billions pledged for Gaza reconstruction?
A donor conference hosted in Cairo on Sunday to raise funds for the reconstruction of war-devastated Gaza has boasted $5.4 billion in pledges from various Western and Arab governments.
Yet Israel is the true beneficiary of this aid money. The self-declared international community has once again footed the reconstruction bill as it arms Israel with the weaponry and ensures it the impunity that only rewards its brutal onslaught on Gaza and essentially guarantees its repetition.
Beit Hanoun residents protest delays in reconstruction
Residents of the town of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip launched a protest on Saturday demanding Palestinian authorities announce the town a "disaster area" and provide better services to help it recover from the summer's Israeli offensive.
Israeli Professor Calls for Palestinian Genocide
There are all sorts of varieties of insane extremists among the settlers. By “insane” I don’t mean that they’re aberrations from the Israeli norm. Just that in polite western society (not Israel, of course) these people would be viewed as nutcases and ignored. Only in Israel (and perhaps this happens in other religious extremist societies as well) are such people turned into prophets, prime ministers, and even esteemed academics.
The Ringworm Scandal: When Israeli Doctors Killed Tens of Thousands of Arab Children
Haaretz Censors Interview Reporter Conducted With Me
"Anyone reading this blog knows my views, both good and bad, on Haaretz. It is a decent paper as far as it goes. But it doesn’t go far; or certainly not far enough. Haaretz is the media stalking horse for liberal Zionism. But the latter fills a niche market within Zionism today and grows increasingly irrelevant, as does Haaretz. The only reason Haaretz remains relevant is because the entire rest of the Israeli media scene has turned into a rubber stamp (with a very few exceptions) for the Likudist political elite.
There will be those who claim Haaretz remains a progressive paper. That it still has real left-wing voices. That may’ve been true in the past, but no longer. Amira Hass and Gideon Levy are the only reporters left who represent that tradition. While Haaretz publishes op-ed pieces by writers with such points of view, these are not permanent staffers. They are guests.
For example, you will find very little about BDS that is sympathetic (except Gideon Levy, natch). You will find very little about Jewish Voice for Peace that even covers it, let alone that is sympathetic. You’ll find very little coverage of the real Israeli left (not Labor or Meretz). You’ll find very little that poses profound skepticism about the underpinnings of Israeli society. You will find a great deal that nibbles around the edges, that raises questions, that shouts a polite slogan or two."
Bild :
From the destruction and hatred you sow From every inch of our land That hosted a martyr We shall return… Despite of your killing and brutality and the collaboration of traitors who sold out helping to realize your schemes in our Palestine. We shall return to our land to the land of our ancestors!
Imad Abu Shtayyahs.jpg (49 kByte, 403 x 539 Pixel)
Anzeige optimiert für beste Darstellung. Großansicht - speichern
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 17.10.14, 00:18 Betreff: Israeli forces shoot, kill 13-year-old Palestinian near Ramallah
A Palestinian teenager was shot dead by Israeli forces in the village of Beit Laqiya northwest of Ramallah on Thursday evening.
Medical sources said Bahaa Samir Badir, 13, was shot in the chest after Israeli forces raided the village.
Badir was reportedly shot in the chest from close range, and suffered from severe bleeding shortly before dying at the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah.
Israeli navy opens fire, sinks Palestinian fishing boat off Gaza coast
Israeli naval forces on Thursday evening opened fire at a Palestinian fishing boat off the coast of the Gaza Strip.
Head of the fishermen's union in Gaza Nizar Ayyash told Ma'an that Israeli boats opened fire at boats belonging to local fisherman off the coats of Deir al-Balah.
A boat belonging to Jamal Abu Watfa was sunk in the attack.
Ayyash said the fisherman lost consciousness after the incident, but was reportedly saved from the water.
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 21.10.14, 15:47 Betreff: Israel bekommt offenbar deutsche Kriegsschiffe mit 30% Rabatt
Ein mehrere Monate schwelender Disput um ein deutsch-israelisches Rüstungsprojekt ist jetzt beigelegt worden, wie die israelische Tageszeitung "Haaretz" berichtet. Demnach räumt die Bundesregierung nun doch 30 Prozent Preisnachlass für den Kauf von drei mit Raketen bestückten Kriegsschiffen ein. Im Mai hatten Zeitungen in Israel berichtet, das Geschäft sei geplatzt, weil Deutschland aus Verstimmung über die israelische Siedlungspolitik in den besetzten Palästinensergebieten und das Scheitern der von den USA vermittelten Nahost-Gespräche die übliche Militärhilfe per Rabatt diesmal nicht gewähren wolle.
Noch anderer "Unfall" von israelische siedler , eines palästinenscher Kind wurd getötet
Video SEE! Palestinian child's bike confiscated
Recognition of a Palestinian State Without Full Rights Is Meaningless
The British Parliament’s overwhelming vote to recognize a “State of Palestine” may indeed be a sign of “where the wind is blowing,” as the British ambassador to Tel Aviv has commented – a reflection of the significant erosion of public support for Israel’s regime of occupation and denial of Palestinian rights. But it should not be seen in black and white.
If it is the first step toward recognizing the irrefutable right of the Palestinian people to self determination, then it would be a positive contribution to establishing a just and sustainable peace in accordance with international law. But, if it is, as implied, solely meant to resuscitate the comatose version of the “two state solution” which, as dictated by Israel, omits basic Palestinian rights, then it would be yet another act of British complicity in bestowing legitimacy on Israel’s unjust order.
The two-state solution is ultimately doomed to fail
There can have been few Palestinians whose hearts did not warm at least a little to the news that the British parliament voted overwhelmingly this week to recognise a Palestinian state. After all, it was a British decision to issue the Balfour Declaration – taken almost 100 years ago – that set in motion Israel’s creation and the territorial conflict that has raged ever since.
The parliamentary win, as has been widely noted, was symbolic – and in more ways than one. The motion, backed by 274 votes to 12, is not binding.
Like most of the European Union, the UK government still appears unwilling to join more than 130 states worldwide that have recognised Palestinian statehood.
If, as expected, the Palestinian leadership returns to the UN next month to renew its statehood bid, British officials have indicated they will not be swayed by parliamentary sentiment.
A late amendment also tied recognition to a “negotiated two state solution”. But in cleaving to the US position, which opposes unilateral Palestinian moves, British MPs continued to implicitly acknowledge the veto of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Palestinian ambitions.
Bild :
Das kind Mohammed Badrán (8 Jahr alt ) wurde in der letzte Isralische Angriff in Gaza verletz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9e7rYdO8ug wo er verlor ein Auge und der anderer wurde so geschädig dass ein Notoperation in Amman gemacht wurde .Der Baskische Solidarität Organitation Mundubat http://www.mundubat.org/es/ wurde geruft um ihn zu helfe , es wurde Geld gesammen und nach Baskenland ihn zum bringen um ihn zu Operiert . Letzte Wochenende der Stadteil Lutxana dem Barakaldo ( Näher von Bilbo ) Stadt gehört hat ihn einer Ehrung gemacht .
Mohammed Badrán.jpg (49 kByte, 500 x 375 Pixel)
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