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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 13.10.16, 17:43 Betreff: Türkei: Folter mit Tradition
Der AKP-Abgeordnete Mehmet Metiner leitet den Parlamentarischen Untersuchungsausschuss für Gefängnisse in der Türkei. Rein formal wäre es seine Aufgabe, dafür zu sorgen, dass dort rechtsstaatliche Prinzipien eingehalten werden. Doch das scheint ihn kaum zu kümmern. Anfang Oktober stellte er klar, dass es mit ihm keine Untersuchung der Foltervorwürfe von Inhaftierten nach dem Putschversuch vom 15. Juli geben wird, wenn diese von Gülen-Anhängern kämen. Denn, so Metiner, diese seien Täter, nicht Opfer. Kritik seitens der Oppositionspartei CHP wischte er vom Tisch. http://www.heise.de/tp/artikel/49/49657/1.html
Power struggle erupts in Turkey’s security structure
One hard reality is that the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), despite its 14 years in power, has not developed a senior bureaucratic team that deals with security and intelligence affairs. Hence, a power struggle was inevitable at the senior echelons of the National Intelligence Service (MIT), the Gendarmerie Command, the Ministry of Defense and the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), where two distinct schools of thought or cliques are competing to fill the vacancies.
One of the schools of thought is that of the Homeland Party, also known as the Patriotic Party, which received only 120,000 votes (0.25%) out of 50 million votes cast in the Nov. 1 elections under the leadership of Dogu Perincek. It is popularly called the Perincek Group.
This group — renowned for its staunchly secular, isolationist, ultranationalist, socialist, anti-US, anti-West, pro-Russian and Euroasianist characteristics — has no strong standing as a popular political party, but its influence in the upper echelons of the state’s security and intelligence services is steadily growing. High-level military police and intelligence personnel affiliated with this group were the Fethullah Gulen movement's most prominent targets for replacement between 2006 and 2014, when the Gulenists had the AKP's cooperation in ending military tutelage. http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/10/turkey-power-struggle-between-islamists-and-secularits.html
Why Turkey’s pro-government media likes Trump
Turkey is following the US presidential race with great interest. Sensing the outcome of the election might significantly influence ties between Turkey and the United States, many local columnists have been discussing which new US president will be better for the US-Turkey relationship. Trump’s scandalously explicit remarks about women and sexuality must also be disturbing for any conservative Turk. Hence a recent headline in a pro-government tabloid read, “The anti-Islam Trump also turned out to be a pervert.” Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/10/turkey-why-pro-government-media-likes-trump.html#ixzz4MyqHoOs0
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 04.10.16, 22:05 Betreff: Why is the Turkish government now targeting cartoons?
Late Sept. 28, the Turkish prime minister’s office issued orders for the closure of 23 TV and radio channels on the grounds they backed separatist and subversive activities. The decision was based on a legislative decree issued immediately after the July 20 declaration of the state of emergency over the failed coup attempt five days earlier. http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/10/turkey-opposition-media-under-fresh-attack.html
Biene Maja, die Schlümpfe und andere Gefahren für die Sicherheit der Türkei
Der Nationale Sicherheitsrat hat am vergangenen Mittwoch eine Verlängerung des Ausnahmezustandes um weitere drei Monate empfohlen. Dies geschehe zum wirksamen "Schutz unserer Demokratie, Rechtstaatlichkeit, Rechte und Freiheiten unserer Bürger", erklärte das Gremium, das aus Regierungsmitgliedern und hohen Militärs besteht. Die Regierung wird sich dem mit ziemlicher Sicherheit anschließen. Der Ausnahmezustand wurde nach dem gescheiterten Putschversuch vom 15. Juli zunächst für drei Monate bis zum 15. Oktober 2016 verhängt. http://www.heise.de/tp/artikel/49/49581/1.html
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 23.09.16, 22:34 Betreff: Erdogans deutsches Spitzel-Netzwerk
Die Geheimdienst-Zusammenarbeit zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei ist eng - zu eng, wie sich inzwischen herausstellt. Rund sechshundert Agenten des türkischen MIT sollen in Deutschland aktiv sein, darüber hinaus bis zu 6000 Informanten. Das wurde Ende August bekannt. Oppositionspolitiker forderten Auskunft, aber das Innenministerium mauerte.
Das ist besonders deshalb brisant, weil BND, Verfassungsschutz und Polizei seit Jahren mit den türkischen Behörden kooperieren, während nun Gegner der Regierungspartei AKP auch hierzulande bedrängt werden. Die AKP hatte offen dazu aufgerufen, Anhänger von Fethullah Gülen, den sie für den Putschversuch vom Juli verantwortlich macht, zu denunzieren. Vereinzelt war es zu Angriffen auf Gülen-Einrichtungen gekommen. http://www.heise.de/tp/artikel/49/49500/1.html
‘New Turkey’ finds founding myth in the failed coup Turkey's more than 18 million students began school in mid-September this year as usual. Unlike normal times, however, they began their education year not with an introduction to mathematics or science, but rather by learning about the treachery the nation faced July 15 with the failed coup attempt. http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/09/turkey-july-15-coup-attempt-founding-myth.html
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 21.09.16, 15:53 Betreff: "Die Situation eskaliert, wie alles dort eskaliert"
Thomas Seibert von medico international über Repressionen gegen Hilfsorganisationen
Die Absetzung der 28 demokratisch gewählten Bürgermeister durch die türkische Regierung hat offensichtlich auch Folgen für humanitäre Hilfsorganisationen. Dr. Thomas Seibert, Nahostreferent bei der Frankfurter Hilfs- und Menschenrechtsorganisatio medico international, berichtet über die konkreten Auswirkungen im Telepolis- Interview. http://www.heise.de/tp/artikel/49/49462/1.html
Turkey jails 45 students over 2012 anti-Erdogan protest
A Turkish court jailed 45 students on Tuesday over a 2012 protest against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at an Ankara university when he visited to celebrate a satellite launch, state media reported.
The students were convicted of violating laws on meetings and impeding public officials in their work after they demonstrated against Erdogan's visit to Middle East Technical University (METU). http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/turkey-jails-45-students-over-2012-anti-erdogan-protest-1468989510
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 19.09.16, 15:54 Betreff: Turkish province bans protests against new gold mine
A Turkish province on Monday banned public demonstrations "as a precaution" while a court prepared to consider an application for a new gold mine which opponents say will damage the environment.
The Artvin governor’s office said it had banned rallies and protests in the Black Sea province for a month in the wake of the announcement.
“In order for the current peaceful situation to continue and prevent harm against public peace, all rallies, press releases, meetings, sit-in protests, distributing notices and similar activities were banned due to violent activities that can emerge before, during or after them,” the statement by the office read. http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/turkish-province-bans-demonstrations-ahead-hearing-mine-construction-448857867
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 07.09.16, 21:32 Betreff: What is Turkish army really doing in Iraq?
....Beyond its direct engagement against IS, the Turkish army is also training and arming Hashd al-Watani, a predominantly Arab Sunni militia created by Atheel al-Nujaifi, the former governor of Ninevah province and, along with his highly influential family, a close Turkish ally.
“We train them for close quarter combat, which will take place in Mosul in the near future,” the Turkish soldier said, adding that local fighters were all provided with AK-74s and ammunition.
In a country where the number of militiamen fighting for a religion, an ethnic group or a region seems to be growing by the day, Hashd al-Watani’s leaders do not shy away from voicing their ultimate prize: capturing the IS de-facto capital in Iraq. “Mosul is ours. If we get inside, all of it will be for us,” Brig. Gen. Mohamed Tahma Talib, who is commanding Hashd al-Watani, told al-Monitor.
To be able to reach the outskirts of the city, Hashd al-Watani is working in cooperation with the Kurdish peshmerga, the army of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/09/turkey-iraq-what-turkish-army-doing-in-mosul.html
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 05.09.16, 13:12 Betreff: Turkey expands assault on independent media
Mustafa Akyol writes that the attempted military coup in Turkey on July 15 and subsequent crackdown by the Turkish government has “opened a whole new chapter in the nation’s history. The followers of Fethullah Gulen, seen by most political groups and ideological camps as being behind the coup, have become the national 'enemy within.' This perspective, of course, has quite worrying consequences, for it leads to collective demonization and punishment, and the Gulen community includes many innocent people who are unaware of the group’s darker side. How to uphold the rule of law in the face of hysteria over a powerful threat is a challenge that should concern everyone.” http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/09/turkey-media-gulen-coup-iran-russia-syria-erdogan-kurds.html
Turkey's post-coup purge? We've been here before
The victims of past political purges in Turkey look on with mixed emotion as their one-time persecutors themselves fall under suspicion http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/after-coup-attempt-what-will-turkey-learn-past-purges-1596640025
Gentrification glitter fades into dust in Istanbul’s heart
Istiklal Avenue is one of the most photographed streets in Istanbul. Situated in the heart of the Beyoglu entertainment district, Istiklal (formerly known as Grand Rue de Pera and Cadde-i Kebir) is a wide avenue adjoining several historic streets from Karakoy Port, Galata Tower and Taksim Square. The red streetcar from the Ottoman days is probably the best-known image of the avenue, which has long become the symbol of Istanbul. http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/08/turkey-gentrification-glitter-fades-into-dust-istanbul.html
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 01.09.16, 13:50 Betreff: Last article about the last process in Turkey
Istanbul Yenikapi Rally that was realized last Sunday is an important example showing the extent of political mobilization in Turkey, happening in the last month. The rally, which was joined by five million people and the leaders of opposition parties (except HDP), showing "unity of the protectors of democracy", actually had multiple messages targeting both domestic and foreign politics. During the coup process, which can be described as the clashing of power groups inside the state, it looks like president Erdogan and AKP Government managed to talk different political groups into their "politics for coup process". ---- What Happened? ---- The existence of state on the lands we live on, is directly related to the existence of the army, especially considering its relation during the founding process. Coup is a term that has an important place in the political life of the Turkish Republic. One can see how the coup, as an inevitable political reality of the existence of state in these lands, affects the current state policies considering the latest coup that occurred, the 1980 Coup. What happened on July 15, has a character that continues this political reality. The army who wanted to intervene the political power tried to take control of strategically important state buildings; many bureaucrats in strategically important positions were taken hostage, the parliament and intelligence buildings were bombed, bridges and airports were blocked by soldiers, clashes occurred between soldiers and the police. The five hour coup attempt was terminated with different and rapid maneuvers of the current government and especially of president Erdogan. Among these maneuvers, notable factors are control of the media, control of the civil and mass mobilization through the media and the control of law enforcement under Ministry of Internal Affairs. http://www.ainfos.ca/ainfos336/ainfos76075.html
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 29.08.16, 16:13 Betreff: AKP responsible for the mass poisoning in Elbistan
15 thousand people from 16 neighborhoods housing 140 thousand people were poisoned and went to hospitals or health centers in Maraş’s Elbistan district on August 28. The district’s water system is believed to be the cause of the poisoning, but Kahramanmaraş Water and Sewerage Services (KASKİ denied these claims. Similar disasters in history and the extent of the poisoning, however, point at water poisoning as the only possible explanation. KASKİ and the AKP municipality in the district had recently dumped the remains of their fly spray by the creek in Elbistan and caused the destruction of all living things here.
HDP Elbistan District Co-President Hüseyin Yıldırım emphasized that water poisoning is the only possible explanation, and the majority of the people recently poisoned live in working class neighborhoods.
Yıldırım underlined that the majority of the people recently poisoned in Elbistan were Kurds and Alevis living in working class neighborhoods, and KASKİ and the AKP municipality have been trying to cover up their role in the poisoning of thousands of people. http://anfenglish.com/news/hdp-official-akp-responsible-for-the-mass-poisoning-in-elbistan
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