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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 10.12.15, 13:57     Betreff: Silicon Valley, Achtung! Israel greift an!

Tzipi Hotovely, eine 37-jährige Frau georgischer Herkunft, gehört zu den härtesten Falken in Netanjahus Likud-Partei und Regierung, in der sie als stellvertretende Außenministerin amtiert. Sie erlangte Berühmtheit aufgrund einiger historischer Aussagen wie dieser: “Der [israelisch-palästinensische] Konflikt ist kein territorialer Konflikt… Er ist ein religiöser Kampf, der vom Islam geführt wird. Wir dürfen diese grundlegende Wahrheit nicht ignorieren" (Juli 2011) oder "Es ist wichtig für mich, die Systeme zu überprüfen, um Mischehen zu vermeiden, und Lehava ist das passendste, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen” (anlässlich der Einladung zur Knesset der Lehava-Organisation, die 2015 als terroristische Organisation eingestuft wurde,). In ihrer ersten Ansprache als stellvertretende Ministerin sagte sie im Mai: „Das Land gehört uns. Das gesamte Land gehört uns. Wir sind nicht hierhergekommen, um uns dafür zu entschuldigen“. Diese Kämpferin für den Nur-für-Juden-Staat begab sich vor kurzem in die Silicon Valley. Hier ist die offizielle Mitteilung zu diesem Besuch .

‘Being Evil’: Google Censors Tikun Olam from Certain Hebrew Searches

Google doesn’t just censor searches at the behest of China or the EU (controversial issues which have embarrassed the company over the past few years). It does so in Israel, as 7th Eye reported a few days ago. The reporter discovered that the Israeli search engine had removed search results related to Israeli double agent, Boris Krasny, who also betrayed the Russians’ longest serving Israeli spy, Marcus Klingberg. We knew this was under military censorship. But Google isn’t, as far as I know, subjected to military censorship.

Since then, I’ve been trying determine what exactly it’s censoring. If I can do that I might get an idea of why it’s censoring or who is behind it.

US nonprofits 'donate over $220 million' to West Bank settlements

Over $220 million has been given in tax-exempted US funds to illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank over the last five years, according to an investigative report by Israeli news site Haaretz this week.

Haaretz published the findings after analyzing thousands of documents from filed taxes as well as official papers from dozens of US and Israeli nonprofit organizations, several of which were directly involved with raising money to support settlements.

Around 50 tax-exempt nonprofit organizations in the US have been “massively funding” settlement residents, with nearly $224 million transferred as grants to the illegal settlements between 2009 and 2013, Haaretz reported.

Christian groups urge US to bar Israeli rights abusers from receiving aid

Representatives of 11 churches and faith-based organizations submitted evidence to the US State Department on Wednesday of specific gross violations of human rights by Israeli forces.

They are demanding that the Obama administration apply US laws that would halt military assistance to the Israeli units responsible.

Israel, the largest beneficiary of US military aid, currently receives about $3 billion a year. This could rise to nearly $5 billion per year under a package currently being considered by the Obama administration.

UCLA student groups face funding cuts over Israel divestment

The Graduate Students Association at UCLA in California has put stipulations on funding for student groups based on affiliation with Palestinian rights activism.

Students and civil rights organizations are concerned that such conditions are the result of overt willingness by University of California’s top officials to exceptionalize free speech rights and threaten punishment against student activists.

In mid-October, the president of UCLA’s Graduate Students Association sent an email to a student group that was seeking funding for a diversity caucus event. The association represents thousands of UCLA’s graduate students and provides resources, including funding, to graduate students and organizations. Members pay mandatory fees each academic quarter.

The association’s president informed the group that “GSA leadership has a zero engagement/endorsement policy towards Divest from Israel or any related movement/organization” (emphasis in original) and awarded the group $2,000 in funding based on their “zero connection” to a “Divest from Israel” group.

US cops trained to use lethal Israeli tactics

US police officers are being tutored by Israel on how to employ the tactics that have brought death and serious injury to huge numbers of Palestinians in the past few months.

Officers from 15 US police agencies recently traveled to the Middle East for lessons from their Israeli counterparts.

For 10 days in late November, police officers from New York, Miami, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department, the Drug Enforcement Agency and US Customs and Border Protection observed the daily operations of the Jerusalem police, the Israeli Border Police and the Shin Bet secret service, all of which play a vital role in administering Israel’s system of control over Palestinians.

The training junket was hosted by the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), a neoconservative think tank that claims to have organized Israeli training sessions for some 9,500 law enforcement officials since 2004 through its Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP).

Jeb Bush says he’d order crackdown on BDS as president

Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush has promised that if he is elected president next November he will deploy the full might of the US Department of Justice to crack down on the movement to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel.

“On day one I will work with the next attorney general to stop the BDS movement in the United States, to use whatever resources that exist,” the former Florida governor told the Republican Jewish Coalition in a speech on Thursday.

“A Bush administration will forcefully restore America’s leadership in the world in other ways as well,” Bush added.

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