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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 26.04.16, 00:24 Betreff: 100% menschlich: Fünf Jahre ohne Juliano Mer-Khanis |
In einem kleinen Café in Berlin, fand ich mich von palästinensischen Flüchtlingen aus Jarmuk umgeben, die meinen Freund Juliano kannten und liebten, einen Mann, der ein hundertprozentiger Palästinenser und ein hundertprozentiger Jude war http://www.tlaxcala-int.org/article.asp?reference=17742
Der Author Udi Aloni hat dieser Jahr der Primie an der Bernilane mit dem Film Junction 48 http://junction48.com/udi-aloni1.html
Israeli forces detain 4 Palestinians in Hebron during Passover(25-04) http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771280
Israeli police detain 2 Palestinians, evacuate 9 Israelis from tense Aqsa(24-04) http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771268
4 Palestinians detained, 2 injured in overnight raids(24-04) http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771265
Israeli forces detain 2 Palestinian fishermen off Gazan coast(24-04) http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771267
Israeli police ban 29 Palestinians from tense Aqsa, detain 7 Israelis(23-04) http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771246
20 Palestinians detained in Jerusalem amidst tightened Passover security(22-04) http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771239
Israeli forces detain 13 Palestinians in West Bank, East Jerusalem raids(21-04) http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771230
Occupation forces "beautify" Isawiya
Israeli Police and Border Police detained at least 30 residents of Isawiyya in an invasion of the village in northeastern Jerusalem that began late Tuesday night and continued till nearly mid-day Wednesday April 20th.
Accompanying the occupation forces were civil servants from the Jerusalem Municipality’s Beautification and Sanitation Departments, according to a statement released by police spokesperson, Luba Samri. “Expelling criminals and terrorists from the public space, bringing them to trial and their placing them behind bars will allow the public to have a high-quality and safe lifestyle,” Samri said. “The combined operations will continue, where necessary and to the extent required, as part of a target including institutionalizing the norm of obedience to the law enforcement deterrent against repeat offenders.” http://www.alternativenews.org/english/index.php/news/1358-occupation-forces-civil-servants-beautify-isawiya
Israeli forces raid Silwan, threaten indictments against homeowners http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771253
Netanyahu: Israeli army to continue incursions in Area A
In spite of recent talks with Palestinian officials, Israeli armed forces will continue to intervene in parts of the occupied West Bank under full Palestinian Authority (PA) control, high-ranking Israeli officials said on Wednesday.
During a meeting of the Israeli security cabinet, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, and Israeli army Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot “made it clear that the IDF (Israeli army) maintains -- and will maintain -- the possibility of entering Area A, and anywhere necessary, according to operational needs,” a statement read.
“There is no other agreement with the Palestinians,” the statement added. http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771227
Israeli forces raid East Jerusalem villages overnight, injure 16
Israeli forces carried out raids in the villages of al-Eizariya and Abu Dis in occupied East Jerusalem early on Thursday, injuring 16 Palestinians with rubber-coated steel bullets and tear gas and detaining a youth.
Israeli forces raided two metal workshops, a carpentry workshop, several stores and homes, before detaining a young Palestinian at one of the workshops. http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771225
Teenager injured as Israeli forces suppress weekly protests http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771248
Israeli forces injure 5 Palestinians in weekly Gaza protests http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771250
Israeli forces open fire on Palestinian farmers in southern Gaza http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771252
Israeli soldiers assault 4 Palestinian youths in Eilat http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771255
15 injured as occupation forces attack school in Hebron http://www.alternativenews.org/english/index.php/news/1355-15-injured-as-occupation-forces-attack-school-in-hebron
Hundreds of Israeli settlers pass through Beit Ummar village http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771269
Palestinian bus attacked by Israeli settlers near Qalqiliya http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771251
Palestinian teen run over by Israeli settler in Hebron http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771233
Israeli settler threatens Palestinian family with gun near Hebron http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771228
Israel to confiscate 1,250 acres of Palestinian land for illegal outposts http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771256
Israel seizes 115 dunams as 'state land' in northern West Bank http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771243
Al-Araqib razed for the 97th time
The Israeli government razed the Bedouin village Al-Araqib for the 97th time today. Al-Araqib is located in the Naqab Desert five miles north of Be'er Sheva. Israeli bulldozers last came to the village on April 5 2016. The Israeli government is demanding that the village pay for the demolitions (2 million shekels), and imposes a fine of 50,000 shekels-a-day on any resident who continues to live there. http://www.alternativenews.org/english/index.php/news/1357-al-araqib-razed-for-the-97th-time
Das israelische Atomwaffenprogramm und die Vertreibung der palästinensischen Beduinen
Lance Bartholomeusz, Direktor der UNRWA-Operationen im Westjordanland verurteilte Israels letzte Runde großflächiger Zerstörungen von Wohnstätten in der palästinensischen Beduinen-Flüchtlings-Gemeinde Um-Al Khair im besetzten palästinensischen Westjordanland. Israel nutzt Teile der Negev-Wüste, um Waffen mit nuklearem Material zu testen und nukleare Abfälle von der nicht IAEA-überwachten Anlage in Dimona zu entsorgen. http://www.tlaxcala-int.org/article.asp?reference=17774
Israeli forces crack down on Palestinian prisoners in Nafha http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771218
Palestinian hunger striker suffers head injuries after fainting http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771237
Hunger-striking Palestinian returned to prison after hospitalization http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=771290
'There's always an Intifada inside the prisons'
Anger is building up among Palestinians held in Israeli prisons, with several inmates on long-running hunger strikes in a number of prisons and clashes erupting in the Nafha jail in southern Israel.
Rights groups have warned that the health of a hunger-striking jailed Palestinian has plummeted as his fast hits 51 days.
Sami Janazrah, 43, launched his hunger strike on March 3 to protest against being held in solitary confinement and administrative detention, a practice in which Israel jails Palestinians on "secret evidence" without charges or trial.
Janazrah, who is a married father of three from the al-Fuwwar refugee camp in Hebron, is reportedly suffering from low blood pressure and arrhythmia, causing seizures and fainting spells. Meanwhile, his weight has sunk to 52 kilogrammes. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/04/intifada-prisons-160422032352904.html
Thousands rally in Tel Aviv in support of soldier who 'executed' Palestinian
More than 2,000 people gathered in central Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening in a raucous nationalist gathering to demonstrate support for an Israeli soldier who controversially killed a wounded alleged Palestinian attacker in the occupied West Bank.
On a warm evening in the Mediterranean city, droves of people with Israeli flags draped around their shoulders walked down a palm tree-lined avenue towards the central Rabin Square to challenge a court decision to charge Sergeant Elor Azaria with manslaughter over the killing of Abed al-Fatah al-Sharif in Hebron on 24 March. http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/thousands-rally-tel-aviv-support-soldier-who-executed-palestinian-hebron-1087042161
Video: Inside Tel Aviv’s “Death to the Arabs” rally https://electronicintifada.net/content/video-inside-tel-avivs-death-arabs-rally/16411
Sergeant Elor Azaria, the Israeli soldier who assassinated a wounded Palestinian, was released Friday on furlough from on-base detention to his home for the Passover holiday. http://www.alternativenews.org/english/index.php/news/1360-elor-azaria-released-from-jail-for-passover
Why Israel fears nonviolent resistance
The growing international Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement is becoming the major target for Israel diplomatically, while at home it is the whistle-blowers and truth-tellers who are being most savagely attacked. Special venom is reserved for them.
In the West Bank, communities under occupation have been increasingly responding to land grabs, house demolitions and arbitrary arrests by organising regular and patient sit-ins and demonstrations, with occasional more high-profile projects, like the setting up of the Bab al-Shams tented village.
To these actions, Israel reacts with routine violence – despite the fact that the ensuing scenes are viewed worldwide on social media, over which Israel has no control. The West Bank village of Bil’in is probably the best known centre of nonviolent resistance, thanks in part to the prize-winning film 5 Broken Cameras. http://www.middleeasteye.net/columns/why-israel-fears-nonviolent-resistance-130574838
Israel’s Dangerous New Transfer Tactic in Jerusalem
Israel is adept at creating new Palestinian refugees and internally displaced persons, taking advantage of every opportunity to do so and exploiting temporary crises to promote permanent measures. Today, it is using the recent violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) to introduce a dangerous new twist to its long-standing residency revocation policy to force Palestinians out of East Jerusalem.
This new concept –"breach of allegiance" to the state of Israel – is now being used to revoke the residency of Palestinian Jerusalemites, in addition to possible demolition of their family homes. The Israeli government is describing these actions as regular law enforcement measures, but analysis shows that they are part of its ongoing policies of forced displacement, with the aim of making long-term demographic changes and maintaining an overwhelming Jewish majority in Jerusalem. https://al-shabaka.org/commentaries/israels-dangerous-new-transfer-tactic-in-jerusalem/
Palestine: A distinctive voice for climate action Those illegally denied control over their natural resources must be heard in the global climate conversation. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2016/04/palestine-distinctive-voice-climate-action-160422170052768.html
Palestine losing $285m a year due to aging Israel agreements: World Bank
The Palestinian economy is losing hundreds of millions of dollars every year over outdated or insufficiently enforced fiscal agreements with Israel, a World Bank report said on Monday.
The lost revenue of $285m annually was equivalent to 2.2 percent of Palestinian Gross Domestic Product, according to the report prepared ahead of the bi-annual meeting of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) which coordinates international donor support for the Palestinians.
The Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority (PA) "suffers from substantial revenue losses under the current revenue sharing arrangements outlined by the Paris Protocol," the report said of the 1994 agreement which governs economic ties between Israel and the Palestinian territories. http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/palestine-losing-hundreds-millions-due-aging-israel-agreements-world-bank-460342313
„Israel hat Gaza ins Mittelalter zurückversetzt“
Der Direktor des Palästinensischen Zentrums für Menschrechte Raji Sourani wies darauf hin, dass die Besatzungsmacht den Gazastreifen in den letzten Jahren (2008, 2012 und 2014) dreimal angegriffen und seit zehn Jahren eine Blockade verhängt hat. Es handelt sich um eine kollektive Bestrafung mit einer verheerenden Auswirkung auf die Zivilbevölkerung.
„Diese Situation ist eine Schande. Es gibt keinen Ort in Gaza ohne die Auswirkungen der israelischen Feindseligkeit in einem der am dichtesten bevölkerten Gebieten der Welt mit nahezu zwei Millionen Einwohnern auf 368 km2“, sagte Sourani Prensa Latina während eines Treffens mit Journalisten.
Dem Aktivisten zufolge hat sich nach den 51 Tagen israelischer Bombenangriffe im Bereich des Wiederaufbaus trotz der Versprechen von Hilfe von Seiten der Geberländer, die auf einer Konferenz in Kairo vor anderthalb Jahren gegeben wurde (mehr als fünf Milliarden $), kaum etwas getan.
Krankenhäuser und Schulen, inklusive die der Vereinten Nationen, und die Häuser sind immer noch von den Angriffen gezeichnet, warnte er.
Nach Sourani wurden Betriebe, Bauernhöfe, die schönsten Anlagen, die Müllentsorgung und der einzige Stromerzeuger des Gazastreifens von israelischen Bomben zerstört.
„Falls sie die Hamas oder die Al Fatah angreifen wollen, sollen sie es tun. Denn sie sind stark und wissen, wie man darauf antwortet; aber tötet nicht unschuldige Zivilisten“, bemerkte er. http://www.tlaxcala-int.org/article.asp?reference=17730
Im ausgebluteten Gaza füttern die Bauern ihr Vieh mit billigem recycled Futter
Mohannad Abu Ajwa, ein 30-jähriger Palästinenser, der im belagerten Gazastreifen lebt, füttert sein Vieh täglich mit Futter, das vor allem aus alter Getreidesaat besteht und aus Weizen, das für menschliche Nahrung nicht mehr geeignet ist.
Wegen Gazas zerstörter Wirtschaft verwerten einige Viehbestand-Besitzer alte Kornsaat und Weizen, gemischt mit frischem Futter, um die Kosten zu senken. Abu Ajwa erhält die Futtermischung von Gazas Landwirtschaftsministerium.
Abu-Ajwa, der 100 Kühe und 50 Ziegen besitzt, sagt, das Futter von alter Getreidesaat lässt die Tiere in kürzerer Zeit satt fühlen, was die erforderliche Menge von Futter reduziert.
Er sagt, er musste rund 6400 Isr. Schekel täglich (rund 1500 €) für das Futter für sein Vieh bezahlen, aber gibt jetzt rund 4800 Schekel (1120 €) aus.
Abu Ajwa lässt seine Tiere alle 6 Monate impfen, um eine Vergiftung zu verhindern, im Falle dass das Futter, mit dem er sie füttert, sich als verdorben herausstellt. http://www.tlaxcala-int.org/article.asp?reference=17700
Hamas role in Jerusalem bus bomb remains unclear
Israel has reportedly rounded up Palestinians in the occupied West Bank affiliated with Hamas after one of the group’s adherents was said to have set off a bomb on a Jerusalem bus earlier this week.
The alleged bomber, Abd al-Hamid Abu Srour, a 19-year-old from Aida refugee camp near the West Bank city of Bethlehem, died in an Israeli hospital on Wednesday from wounds sustained during the explosion two days prior.
At least 20 persons were wounded in the blast, and four of those injured were still in hospital, the Tel Aviv newspaper Haaretz reported on Thursday.
The paper added that Monday’s incident “is the first suicide attack in Israel in five years.”
Use of the tactic dropped sharply and eventually fell out of use after Hamas declared a unilateral ceasefire in the West Bank in late 2004.
Other Palestinian factions that used the tactic, including groups affiliated with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah faction, also abandoned the practice. https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/maureen-clare-murphy/hamas-role-jerusalem-bus-bomb-remains-unclear
„Israel ist besatzungssüchtig“: der israelische Journalist Gideon Levy prangert die US-Unterstützung des „Apartheidsystems“ und des Aufkommens des Faschismus an
„Israel ist besatzungssüchtig“, sagte der renommierte israelische Journalist Gideon Levy, ein Kolumnist der führenden israelischen Zeitung Haaretz.
„Der Drogenabhängige, der dein Freund ist, wenn du ihm Geld gibst, wird sich wirklich um dich kümmern. Aber kümmerst du dich wirklich um ihn?“ fragte Levy, der Israels fast 50-jährige illegale militärische Besatzung des palästinensischen (Rest)Landes „kriminell“, „brutal“ und „hundsgemein“ nannte.
Er sprach vor dem National Press Club in Washington D.C. anlässlich der jährlichen Israel’s Influence Konferenz. Die Veranstaltung am 18. März untersuchte die enge Beziehung zwischen der US-amerikanischen und israelischen Regierung und deren Auswirkung auf den Rest des Nahen Ostens.
Die USA unterstützt jedes Jahr die israelische Regierung mit einer bedingungslosen militärischen Hilfe von mehr als 3,1 Milliarden $. Israel ist bei Weitem der größte Empfänger der US-Hilfe. (Ägypten erhält als zweiter 1,5 Milliarden $ jährlich). Und jetzt möchte die israelische Regierung, aus Protest gegen das Atomabkommen der USA mit dem Iran, sogar noch mehr - bis zu 4,5 Milliarden $ pro Jahr.
„Alles, was Israel heute tut, geschieht mit dem totalen Einverständnis und der vollständigen Finanzierung der USA“, erklärte Levy. http://www.tlaxcala-int.org/article.asp?reference=17726
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