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New PostErstellt: 20.10.16, 23:37     Betreff: Turkish jets killed 4 civilians and 10 combatants

Bab Council member Mihemed Abdulrezak spoke to Ronahi TV about the Turkish army's most recent aggression on Rojava land.

Abdulrezak stated that Turkish fighter jets conducted airstrikes on Um Hosh, Um Qura and Al-Hassia villages that had been liberated by revolutionary forces from ISIS as a result of an operation yesterday.

Abdulrezak said the airstrikes aimed to stop the revolutionary forces' advance against ISIS gangs.

The aggression targeting civilian settlements in villages lasted hours, leaving 4 civilians dead and dozens of others wounded.

What Turkish raid on Syrian Kurds means for Ankara-Washington ties

Turkish jets pounded US-backed Syrian Kurds during the early hours of Oct. 20 in an apparent attempt to prevent them from establishing a long-coveted corridor to link up territories under their control in northern Syria. The Turkish attacks follow sustained threats from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to take further action against the People’s Protection Units (YPG), which are closely linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).

Turkish ultranationalists issue call to arms to fight in Mosul

Supporters of Turkey's ruling party have issued calls to create and arm special "militias" to prepare for battle in Mosul and against Turkey's enemies within.

The call to arms first came from Emin Canpolat, who leads the Ottoman Hearths group - ardent supporters of Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its founder, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The group, which was established in 2009, is now believed to have almost two million members nationwide who are committed to the promotion of an Ottoman system of government and way of life. In the past, Ottoman Hearth members have attended AKP rallies wrapped in white burial shrouds, to symbolise their willingness to die for the party.

The death of critical journalism in Turkey

A prominent Turkish journalist who migrated to Europe a few months ago and is convinced she can no longer practice her profession in Turkey has noticed something intriguing in her son, a primary schooler. “He keeps drawing prisons,” the journalist told Al-Monitor. “I was worried about his future in Turkey, but it turns out he, too, was secretly worried about me.” The journalist, who requested anonymity, shared the drawings with Al-Monitor on condition they not be published. In all of them, big prisons reminiscent of a panopticon are depicted in striking detail, including tiny cells with bars, “control points” and other compounds marked as armories, offices and visitor’s rooms.

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