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Man Imprisoned After Filming Eric Garner’s Death, Refusing to Eat

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 12.04.15, 22:35  Betreff: Man Imprisoned After Filming Eric Garner’s Death, Refusing to Eat  drucken  Thema drucken  weiterempfehlen

Man Imprisoned After Filming Eric Garner’s Death, Refusing to Eat, Rat Poison Found in Jail Food

22-year-old Ramsey Orta, the young man who filmed the NYPD killing Eric Garner, was arrested shortly after on trumped up charges. He has since been locked up at the notorious Rikers prison in New York.

Immediately following the killing of Eric Garner, Orta was stalked and targeted by police. They allegedly scrutinized Orta’s daily life until they were able to find something to charge him with. Eventually, he was confronted by police who illegally searched him and arrested him for the non-violent crime of carrying an unregistered firearm.

Orta had expressed concern for his safety after his arrest because he was sure that the police were retaliating against him for exposing what they had done to Eric Garner.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 14.04.15, 22:22  Betreff: Mercy Is Ours to Give, if We Choose It  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Imagine living forever. For people who watch those insipid vampire movies, the idea clearly has some purchase, a kind of cool cachet ... but consider the reality of it. You live long enough to see every single person you love or even vaguely care about - wife, husband, children, brothers, sisters, friends, acquaintances, everyone - die before your eyes. Then you live long enough to make more friends, more family, only to watch all of them die. Then you do it again, and again, and again as an ocean of years pile up behind you until the stars burn out, and you are the last living thing on a dead planet beneath a barren sky.

Media Inflate Threat With ‘ISIS Plots’ That Don’t Actually Involve ISIS

Last Friday, the FBI announced another harrowing, 11th-hour capture of Americans plotting to join “ISIS” and launch attack within the United States. The case of two Illinois men, Army National Guard Specialist Hasan Edmonds and his cousin Jonas Edmonds, ostensibly involved the former going to Syria to join ISIS there while the latter stayed in the US, plotting to attack “scores” at a military base.

Right on cue, the American media publish dressed-up FBI press releases about the “disrupted” plot, complete with balaclava-wearing stock photos: “FBI Disrupts Plot to Kill Scores at Military Base on Behalf of Islamic State” was the Washington Post‘s headline (3/26/15).

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 11.05.15, 11:11  Betreff: That's What You Get for Filming the Police  drucken  weiterempfehlen

One evening in September 2014, John Prince heard a scream through his window.

He went outside. On the sidewalk in front of his home, a first-floor apartment on Elmwood Avenue in Providence, Rhode Island, two male plainclothes police officers were aggressively questioning a pair of young women.

"The cops were being really rude," Prince said, "asking intimidating questions like, 'What's in your handbag?' and 'Where are you coming from?'"

They ordered the women to sit on the curb. Prince says he saw one of the officers put his hands inside the waistband of one of the women's sweatpants.

"You're not supposed to do that," Prince called to the officer. The officer turned, told him to mind his own business and shove off.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 23.07.15, 19:10  Betreff: Shocking Video Shows LAPD Cops Shoot Man in Wheelchair with 3 Bean Bag Rounds and a Taser Read more  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Three rounds with a bean bag gun and a taser — deployed against a man in a wheelchair.

The LAPD is facing criticism after a video surfaced that shows them firing beanbag rounds at a man in a wheelchair and then hitting him with a taser.

According to LAPD Cmdr. Andrew Smith, the man in the wheelchair, Christopher Adam Zareck, 43, swung a pole at police when they tried to take him into custody.

Police were called to the scene around 7:00 pm last Friday after a man reported that he’d been in an altercation with Zareck. Ironically enough, the man claiming he’d been in an altercation with Zareck said he successfully defended himself against the wheelchair-bound man. However, nearly a dozen officers were deployed to stop this one man.

The video, taken by homeless skid row resident Hubert Jackson, shows 10 officers on the scene for this one man in a wheelchair.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 19.08.15, 16:08  Betreff: Tod im Knast  drucken  weiterempfehlen

So leicht stirbt es sich im Knast, auch ohne Todesstrafe. Am 12.August, vor gerade 3 Tagen, wurde der politische Gefangene HUGO PINELL im Gefängnis New Folsom in Kalifornien von einem anderen Gefangenen erstochen. Die offizielle Version ist, dass sich der Mord während eines Gefangenenaufstands ereignete. Vermutet wird, dass der Mord erst der Anlass für den Aufstand war. Der gebürtige Nicaraguaner Hugo Pinell war seit sage und schreibe 50 Jahren eingesperrt, mehr als 30 davon in Isolation. Mehrfach war er an Aufständen beteiligt, so gehörte er zu den San Quentin Six, die nach dem versuchten Ausbruch des Black Panthers George Jackson 1971 erneut verurteilt wurden. Mumia Abu-Jamal bezeichnete Hugo Pinell in einem Artikel von 2009 als revolutionären Gefangenen, nicht abwegig ist die Vermutung, dass Pinells Mörder “freie Hand“ hatte oder gar im Auftrag handelte.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 19.08.15, 16:23  Betreff: Tod im Knast  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Ich habe mehr Information gesammen ...

So leicht stirbt es sich im Knast, auch ohne Todesstrafe. Am 12.August, vor gerade 3 Tagen, wurde der politische Gefangene HUGO PINELL im Gefängnis New Folsom in Kalifornien von einem anderen Gefangenen erstochen. Die offizielle Version ist, dass sich der Mord während eines Gefangenenaufstands ereignete. Vermutet wird, dass der Mord erst der Anlass für den Aufstand war. Der gebürtige Nicaraguaner Hugo Pinell war seit sage und schreibe 50 Jahren eingesperrt, mehr als 30 davon in Isolation. Mehrfach war er an Aufständen beteiligt, so gehörte er zu den San Quentin Six , die nach dem versuchten Ausbruch des Black Panthers George Jackson 1971 erneut verurteilt wurden. Mumia Abu-Jamal bezeichnete Hugo Pinell in einem Artikel von 2009 als revolutionären Gefangenen, nicht abwegig ist die Vermutung, dass Pinells Mörder “freie Hand“ hatte oder gar im Auftrag handelte.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 07.09.15, 12:40  Betreff: Why Liberals Separate Race from Class  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The tendency to divorce racial disparities from economic inequality has a long liberal lineage.

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